Archives Tag: happy new year


2021: Happy New Year

April 19, 2022

Happy New Year! If you are reading this article, it means that you are among the so many citizens of the world that made it into the year 2021. 2020 was a marathon indeed. Not just a marathon, but a marathon run in the wilderness, filled with great hurdles, red seas, the great wall of … Continue reading 2021: Happy New Year

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Happy New Year!

April 19, 2022

The New Year often comes with mixed feelings; sometimes we’re excited because it’s a brand new year, and other times we feel disillusioned because the plans we had set in place the previous year did not pan out. 2020 holds a lot of special events around the globe, one of them being the Connect Nigeria … Continue reading Happy New Year!

By ibiene

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2019: Happy New Year!

April 19, 2022

Happy New Year! A lot of people usually wait until a new year to set New Year’s Resolutions or to turn a new leaf in their personal or professional lives. According to an Igbo proverb, however, your morning is when you (decide to) wake up. Mgbe onye ji tete bu ụtụtụ ya (Whenever a man … Continue reading 2019: Happy New Year!

By ibiene

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Personal Development


April 19, 2022

The year is coming to an end. Once again, people are planning their new year resolutions and evaluating their life choices for this year. But this is not something that should be left at the end or the start of a new year. Evaluating your life in line with the vision of the life you … Continue reading Resolutions

By ann

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Business Ideas

How to Kickstart Your Business in the New Year

April 19, 2022

The previous year may have been an absolute disappointment, or it may have been a hit. Whatever shape it took, there’s always room for improvement, space for greater accomplishments and higher heights to reach. And really, this is the point of continuing in business- you never really come to a stage in which you moan … Continue reading How to Kickstart Your Business in the New Year

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Welcome 2017! Happy New Year

April 19, 2022

[imagebox maintitle=”” subtitle=”” image=”” color=”black” space=”60″ link=”no link”] [imagebox maintitle=”“New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.”” subtitle=”Charles Lamb” image=”” color=”white” space=”60″ link=”no link”] [imagebox maintitle=” “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” ” subtitle=”-Brad Paisley” image=”” color=”white” space=”80″ link=”no link”] [imagebox maintitle=”“It is from a small seed that … Continue reading Welcome 2017! Happy New Year

By nnenna

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#2016Inspiration: Start Now (Video)

April 19, 2022

Happy New Year, readers! May you experience all of God’s best in 2016, personally and professionally. Get in the right frame of mind for what is to come with this inspiring video. Thank us later!   Start Now       Source: YouTube

By ify

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