Archives Tag: farming


Agritech Focus: All About Growsel

April 19, 2022

Of the $397 billion income generated by Nigeria in 2018, almost a quarter came from its farmlands. Over the course of the year, millions of strong-willed, tough-skinned people cultivated crops and reared livestock in wildly varying conditions, and contributed their lot to the country’s economy. But the vast majority of these farmers are poor small-holder … Continue reading Agritech Focus: All About Growsel

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Agriculture BUSINESS Insurance

Did You Know? You Can Insure Your Farm Products With The Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation

April 19, 2022

You can insure yourself against the loss of your house, cars, or health. But what about your farm, if you’re a farmer- can you insure that too?  You can, thanks to the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation  (NAIC), the government-backed institution which was set up for this purpose over three decades ago. The conditions which led … Continue reading Did You Know? You Can Insure Your Farm Products With The Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation

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Brands we Love: Babban Gona

April 19, 2022

When Kola Masha founded Babban Gona, the space for privately run agriculture focused on social enterprises wasn’t a thing. And millions of farmers had to go it alone in the tough, unstable Nigerian market. Farming in Nigeria is no light-weight occupation. While there’s always the potential to reap bountiful profits from it, the conditions are … Continue reading Brands we Love: Babban Gona

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FarmCrowdy Named Agritech Company of the Year at the Nigeria Technology Awards 2018

April 19, 2022

Nigerian startup Farmcrowdy has recently added two more awards to its growing haul of accolades. The company was named agritech platform of the year at the 2018 edition of the Nigeria Technology Awards, which held on Saturday, November 1. Its CEO, Onyeka Akumah, also won the tech entrepreneur of the year award. Members of the … Continue reading FarmCrowdy Named Agritech Company of the Year at the Nigeria Technology Awards 2018

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Top 100 SMEs

Connect Nigeria’s Top 100 SMEs: Beau Haven Farms

April 19, 2022

Somewhere in Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, an entrepreneur is spreading the word about organic farming to her community. She’s teaching women to grow bulky, nutritious cassava, potatoes and plantain, and placing the basic materials they’ll need to do this in their hands. And she says that this is just the start of a project … Continue reading Connect Nigeria’s Top 100 SMEs: Beau Haven Farms

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App Of Week: FarmCrowdy

April 19, 2022

In order for Agriculture to thrive in Nigeria, there must be a playing field for farmers and sponsors. Farmcrowdy is that playing field and is giving everyone the opportunity to participate in Agriculture. The app has over 50,000 installs and decent reviews on Google Play store which shows how relevant it is becoming in the … Continue reading App Of Week: FarmCrowdy

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Agriculture BUSINESS

Investment Lessons From The Rise of Modern Farm Franchises in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Any country with a population of over 170 million inhabitants should be a viable market for small businesses and thousands of franchises!  Sadly, this assumption does not necessarily hold true in Nigeria, due to some factors. On face value, franchising does not make a lot of sense in a marketplace, where the concept is alien. … Continue reading Investment Lessons From The Rise of Modern Farm Franchises in Nigeria

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Agriculture BUSINESS Did You Know?

Did You Know? Nigeria’s Groundnut Pyramids

April 19, 2022

Groundnut pyramids have become a symbol of national nostalgia for Nigerians. They get mentioned in laments and rants critical of the country’s economic state, and are referred to in school history classes and in discussions by older citizens who remember the “good old days” when things worked as they should. But there was a time … Continue reading Did You Know? Nigeria’s Groundnut Pyramids

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Agriculture BUSINESS Press Release

Business Profile: Farmers’ Corner Community

April 19, 2022

Farmers’ Corner is an entity that has created a community of farmers, “agro-preneurs”, investors and others interested in moving agricultural system forward in Nigeria, West Africa and the world at large. Farmers’ Corner Community is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious body that was created to meet the following objectives: Dissemination of agricultural information among members; … Continue reading Business Profile: Farmers’ Corner Community

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Agriculture BUSINESS E-Commerce ECONOMY

Did You Know? Nigeria Is Africa’s Biggest Agritech Market

April 19, 2022

Nigeria hasn’t been on the global agritech scene for long. Until a few years ago, you could probably count the number of tech startups in the country’s agriculture sector on the fingers of one hand. Ecommerce and fintech took the headlines and got a fat portion of investment money. Agritech was only a small part … Continue reading Did You Know? Nigeria Is Africa’s Biggest Agritech Market

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Nigeria’s Pioneer Agric Tech Platform – Farmcrowdy, Launches Mobile App

April 19, 2022

Farmcrowdy is an Agric focused tech platform that wants to change the way farming is done in Nigeria, by bridging the gap between farmers and people willing to sponsor farming with their resources. Farmcrowdy offers a platform, where more people can participate in Agriculture, and help increase food production in the country. Impacting rural farmers … Continue reading Nigeria’s Pioneer Agric Tech Platform – Farmcrowdy, Launches Mobile App

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Press Release

Farmcrowdy Launches Mobile App for Agritech in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Agritech startup marks its first year of operations with the launch of a new mobile app aimed at increasing participation in agriculture by Nigeria’s growing middle-class, diaspora and youth  Farmcrowdy, Nigeria’s first and leading digital agriculture platform has introduced a new category of funding small-scale farming in Africa by allowing Nigerians to venture and sponsor … Continue reading Farmcrowdy Launches Mobile App for Agritech in Nigeria

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Agriculture Business Ideas

How to Start a Livestock Feed Business

April 19, 2022

The market for edibles is huge. This is true for humans, as it is for livestock. In both cases, it’s really for one reason- the need for the living to stay alive and healthy. And for livestock owners, it’s important that their animals are healthy because the survival of their business depends on it. The … Continue reading How to Start a Livestock Feed Business

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Agriculture Business Profiles

Business Profile:

April 19, 2022

Agriculture is the oldest business on earth but it seems the least penetrated by technology especially in Africa. Also, when it comes to investment, access to capital is an issue for the local farmers who own large expanse of land but lack adequate finance to cultivate them. Introducing Nigeria’s first digital agriculture platform,, a … Continue reading Business Profile:

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Agriculture BUSINESS

How to Start a Goat Farm

April 19, 2022

Goats have always been one of the preferred sources of animal protein for Nigerians. And there is more to goats than just their meat. For many tanneries in the country, goat skin is a key material used in the production of leather. Milk obtained from goats are also processed into butter and cheese, and their … Continue reading How to Start a Goat Farm

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