Archives Tag: Delegation


Work-Life Balance: Tips for Professionals

April 19, 2022

  Work-life balance is a challenge many professionals face. The demands of the modern professional world seem to be increasing in a fast-paced and competitive world. This makes it easy for one to feel overwhelmed by the demands of a career while trying to maintain a fulfilling personal life. However, achieving and maintaining this balance … Continue reading Work-Life Balance: Tips for Professionals

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How To

How To Delegate Effectively

April 19, 2022

  According to Harvard Business School, “delegation refers to the transfer of responsibility for specific tasks from one person to another”. Delegation is simply a situation whereby a manager assigns specific tasks to their employees. The team members are given their tasks while the managers or business owners are left with more time to focus … Continue reading How To Delegate Effectively

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Business Growth Tip: How to Delegate Tasks

April 19, 2022

Sometimes, you will have a lot of work on your hands and very little time to handle all of them effectively. In such instances, you will want to hand the excess tasks over to someone who is skilled enough to deal with them. This practice of handing over tasks to other members of your team … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: How to Delegate Tasks

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The Entrepreneurs Chronicles: The Art of Delegation

April 19, 2022

Success is all about teamwork and delegation is without a doubt a requirement for success. Delegation of authority is a process whereby the authority and powers are divided and shared amongst the subordinates. Delegation means the assignment of certain responsibilities along with the necessary authority by a superior to his/her subordinate managers. Delegation is an … Continue reading The Entrepreneurs Chronicles: The Art of Delegation

By kobe

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