Archives Tag: deadlines
Weekend Wellness Rituals for Busy Professionals
April 19, 2022
As busy professionals, your weekdays are often filled with work responsibilities, deadlines, and stress. That’s why it’s crucial to use your weekends wisely to recharge and take care of yourself. Here are some expanded ideas to help you create effective wellness rituals for your precious time off. Read more about Wellness Mindfulness Practices Mindfulness … Continue reading Weekend Wellness Rituals for Busy Professionals

Monday Motivation: Meeting Deadlines
April 19, 2022
Deadlines are appointments we need to keep, whether we set them for ourselves or another sets them for us. Having deadlines should keep you focused and poised for victory. However, it has been proven to put the unprepared under pressure to meet up or keep a promise. Deadlines should be set based on well-thought out … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Meeting Deadlines

5 Steps to Dealing with Deadlines
April 19, 2022
Whether at work or in classrooms, many of us ignore our activities till they pile up and we have to hurry to finish. I remember while in school, the night before the assignment submission, or the morning before the teacher’s arrival, was the pressure hour. Everyone would go into panic mode hoping to stretch the … Continue reading 5 Steps to Dealing with Deadlines
By adepeju