Archives Tag: Customers


How to Balance Profitability and Social Responsibility

April 19, 2022

  Businesses are expected to do more than make money. Customers, employees, and communities all look to companies to act responsibly and make a positive impact. Balancing profitability and social responsibility can be challenging but crucial for long-term success. Here’s how to achieve this balance. Read more about Business Understanding Profitability and Social Responsibility Profitability … Continue reading How to Balance Profitability and Social Responsibility

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How to Improve Customer Retention in Your Business

April 19, 2022

  Customer retention is important to any successful business. It’s more cost-effective to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones. Given the fierce market competition in today’s digital world, customer loyalty can be fleeting. Therefore, understanding and implementing effective customer retention strategies can significantly boost a business’s profitability and ensure long-term growth. This article … Continue reading How to Improve Customer Retention in Your Business

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BUSINESS Social Media

WhatsApp Business for Customer Service

April 19, 2022

  Customers expect quick and easy ways to connect with businesses. WhatsApp Business is a tool that can help companies provide excellent customer service. This article will explain WhatsApp Business, why it’s useful for customer service, and how to use it effectively. Read more about Social Media What is WhatsApp Business? WhatsApp Business is a … Continue reading WhatsApp Business for Customer Service

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How to Attract New Customers: Customer Acquisition Strategies

April 19, 2022

  Attracting new customers is essential for any business to grow and succeed. Every business owner dreams of a steady stream of happy customers. But how do you, the amazing entrepreneur you are,  attract those new customers in the first place? There are many ways to reach out to potential customers and convince them to … Continue reading How to Attract New Customers: Customer Acquisition Strategies

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BUSINESS Uncategorized

How To Provide Value and Get Paid

April 19, 2022

  No matter what product or service your business offers, the key to attracting customers and making money is providing real value. Value is anything that solves a problem, satisfies a need or want, improves someone’s life, or helps them achieve a goal. When you deliver genuine value to people, they will happily pay you … Continue reading How To Provide Value and Get Paid

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Hook Marketing: Unleash The Power Of Shameless Marketing

April 19, 2022

  In a world where competition is fierce and attention spans are fleeting, standing out is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. The key to thriving under any economic condition lies in bold, unapologetic marketing. Going all out and marketing your product and services shamelessly can transform your business, attracting a flood of customers who … Continue reading Hook Marketing: Unleash The Power Of Shameless Marketing

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Customer Retention Strategies for Nigerian Businesses

April 19, 2022

  Attracting new customers is crucial for any business, but retaining your existing customers is just as important. It costs much more to constantly acquire new customers compared to keeping your current ones happy. Why is customer retention so valuable? Repeat customers tend to be more profitable over time. They are also much more likely … Continue reading Customer Retention Strategies for Nigerian Businesses

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The Hidden Truths About Attracting Customers Who Pay, Stay, and Refer

April 19, 2022

  In the competitive world of business, every entrepreneur dreams of attracting customers who pay for products and services and also stick around and refer others. While there are countless strategies touted by marketing experts, there are some less discussed, yet crucial, truths that can significantly impact your ability to attract and retain high-value customers. … Continue reading The Hidden Truths About Attracting Customers Who Pay, Stay, and Refer

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Tips for Protecting Your Brand’s Reputation and Data on Social Media

April 19, 2022

  Social media presents an amazing opportunity for businesses to promote their brand, connect with customers, and drive sales. However, having an active online presence also exposes your company to some serious risks when it comes to reputation management and data security. One careless mistake or oversight on social media could quickly spiral into a … Continue reading Tips for Protecting Your Brand’s Reputation and Data on Social Media

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7 Things Customers Want from Your Product

April 19, 2022

  Your business exists to satisfy the needs of its customers. If you’re selling them products that meet their needs, you’ll have a reasonable chance of succeeding with your enterprise. But if you aren’t giving them what they want, they’ll get it elsewhere, and your business will lose their patronage. Read more about Business What … Continue reading 7 Things Customers Want from Your Product

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5 Things You Should Do Before Changing Your Business Logo

April 19, 2022

  Whether you’re planning to refresh your logo or redo it, a good deal of thought has to go into the move. You want your new brand look to impress and attract the public. This takes smart strategy and execution; including paying attention to things other than the form, hue and font of your new … Continue reading 5 Things You Should Do Before Changing Your Business Logo

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How To Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

April 19, 2022

  So, you’ve got this big idea, right? But, you’re not sure if it’s gonna fly. Well, that’s where a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes in handy. It’s like building a tiny version of your big idea to see if people like it. A minimum viable product, often abbreviated as MVP, refers to a product … Continue reading How To Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

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Social Media

Balancing Paid and Organic Reach: Strategies for Optimal Exposure

April 19, 2022

  Achieving the right mix between paid and organic reach is crucial for businesses aiming to maximize their visibility and engagement with potential customers. This balance is not just about budget allocation but also involves understanding consumer behaviour, leveraging analytics, and crafting content that resonates. Read more about Social Media As companies strive to optimize … Continue reading Balancing Paid and Organic Reach: Strategies for Optimal Exposure

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10 Customer Service Tips for Keeping Your Clients Smiling

April 19, 2022

  Happy clients are the lifeblood of any business. They come back for more, recommend you to others, and help your business thrive. But how do you keep those clients happy? Through effective customer service. Here are 10 top customer service tips to turn satisfied customers into raving fans: Read more about Business Roll out … Continue reading 10 Customer Service Tips for Keeping Your Clients Smiling

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Growing Your SaaS: Easy Strategies to Get More Customers

April 19, 2022

  Running a software business, especially a SaaS (Software as a Service) company, is like tending to a garden. You plant the seeds of your product, nurture them with care, and watch them bloom into a beautiful array of satisfied customers. But to make your garden flourish, you need to know how to attract more … Continue reading Growing Your SaaS: Easy Strategies to Get More Customers

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