Archives Tag: customer needs


How To Develop a Competitive Business Strategy for Your Business

April 19, 2022

  Doing business today is becoming more competitive than it was a few decades and a century ago. Businesses that must stand out from the pack are those who understand this and can develop a competitive business strategy. A competitive business strategy helps differentiate businesses from competitors, meet customer needs, and achieve sustainable growth. Read … Continue reading How To Develop a Competitive Business Strategy for Your Business

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Startup Shutdown: Strategies for Long-Term Success

April 19, 2022

  Startup failures are a common occurrence in the entrepreneurial landscape, often resulting from a combination of factors such as inadequate market fit, misaligned strategies, and operational challenges. Despite initially securing funding and attracting attention, many startups face the unfortunate fate of shutting down within just a couple of years. To avoid such an outcome, … Continue reading Startup Shutdown: Strategies for Long-Term Success

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Why “The Customer Is Always Right” Is A Myth

April 19, 2022

When American retail magnate Harry Selfridge came up with the famous line “the customer is always right” in 1909, he was probably doing so in order to encourage a dismantling of the customer service approach that predominated at that time. Afterall, it was the era in which “let the customer beware” was a more commonplace … Continue reading Why “The Customer Is Always Right” Is A Myth

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