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DEMO Africa 2015 which held at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos between September 24 and 25, 2015 witnessed a large audience of startup owners and stakeholders, who came to grace the event and participate in discussions which centered on boosting the emergence and growth of African startups. Here are pictures from the event: CN_4 800x600 CN_5_800x600 CN_6_800x600 CN_7_800x600 CN_8_800x600 CN_10_800x600 CN_11_800x600 CN_12_800x600 CN_13_800x600 CN_14_800x600 CN_15_800x600 CN_16_800x600 CN_17_800x600 CN_18_800x600 CN_19_800x600 CN_20_800x600 CN_21_800x600 CN_22_800x600 CN_Photo_800x600 CNTV2 CNTV3_800x600 CNTV10        

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This article was first published on 28th September 2015


Ejura Salihu is an Anatomist, Writer and Editor. She is currently the Editor-in-chief for Connect Nigeria. You can contact her via email: or follow her on twitter @icyquin_msc

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