
Search result for: Discover Nigeria


Nigerian Doctor Bennet Omalu Honoured By the American Medical Association for His Discovery of a Brain Disease

April 19, 2022

The American Medical Association has honoured Nigerian doctor Bennet Omalu with its Distinguished Service Award. The forensic neuropathologist was given the award for his discovery of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disease which mostly affects athletes engaged in contact sports. Dr. Omalu made the discovery in 2002, while conducting postmortem examinations on the … Continue reading Nigerian Doctor Bennet Omalu Honoured By the American Medical Association for His Discovery of a Brain Disease

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Rediscovering Nigeria: You Are the Hope of Nigeria if You are Between 15 and 35.

April 19, 2022

  A lot of times, I hear helplessness in the words used by my peers about the state of our country. And quite often it gets me thinking. But at other times, I know the predicaments we face are the consequences of our silence. Countless upwardly-mobile young and middle-class folks use up their rather expensive … Continue reading Rediscovering Nigeria: You Are the Hope of Nigeria if You are Between 15 and 35.

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Rediscovering Nigeria:  A Thing about Government Insensitivity and Angry Citizens

April 19, 2022

Last week, Mohammed Bouazizi would have been 32. He was a Tunisian fruit vendor who set himself ablaze in protest of the confiscation of his wares and maltreatment by a municipal officer and her subordinates in a rural town. His crime was that he refused to pay a bribe after being accosted by town officials … Continue reading Rediscovering Nigeria:  A Thing about Government Insensitivity and Angry Citizens

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Discover Your One-Stop Destination for Mobile Phones, Electronics, and Home Appliances

April 19, 2022

  In today’s fast-paced world, convenience, affordability, and style are key when shopping online. is here to meet those needs with a wide range of products, from the latest Mobile Phones to essential electronics and home goods. Whether you’re a trendsetter, a bargain hunter, or someone looking to enhance your home, has something … Continue reading Discover Your One-Stop Destination for Mobile Phones, Electronics, and Home Appliances

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Why Networking is Key for Business Growth in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  When it comes to growing your business in Nigeria, networking is like having a superpower. It might not seem glamorous, but trust me, it’s one of the most effective tools to boost your business. Let’s dive into why networking is so important and how you can use it to help your business grow. Read … Continue reading Why Networking is Key for Business Growth in Nigeria

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Discover Nigeria

Kelechi Ndukwe Makes History as the First Nigerian to Become US Navy Captain

April 19, 2022

  Kelechi Ndukwe, a Nigerian-American naval officer, has become the first Nigerian to reach the rank of Navy captain in the United States, marking a significant milestone in history. Read more about Discover Nigeria Kelechi Ndukwe’s achievement was made public to Nigerians on X (formerly Twitter) by Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) … Continue reading Kelechi Ndukwe Makes History as the First Nigerian to Become US Navy Captain

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Maaaaad Marketing: A Must-Attend Conference for Nigerian Entrepreneurs

April 19, 2022

  Marketing has always been an important factor for business success, yet it remains one of the biggest challenges for many Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Many entrepreneurs who have ventured into businesses shut down almost as soon as they set up, for no other reason than their inability to get their marketing right. The … Continue reading Maaaaad Marketing: A Must-Attend Conference for Nigerian Entrepreneurs

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How Adebola Famoroti is Shaping the Future of Nigerian Businesses

April 19, 2022

  As more and more people continue to show interest in the entrepreneurial journey, there is a need to provide these persons with the support and guidance needed to successfully venture into entrepreneurship, especially for those who have spent years as employees. One individual who has dedicated herself to this cause is Adebola Famoroti. Over … Continue reading How Adebola Famoroti is Shaping the Future of Nigerian Businesses

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Travelling Outside Nigeria for the First Time: What to Do

April 19, 2022

  Travelling outside Nigeria for the first time can be an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience. Whether you’re travelling for leisure, study, or work, careful planning and preparation can help make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Here are some essential tips to guide you through travelling outside Nigeria for the first time Read more … Continue reading Travelling Outside Nigeria for the First Time: What to Do

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Connect Nigeria BizMix: Meet the Speakers

April 19, 2022

  Are you eager to expand your professional network, stay abreast of industry trends, and share your expertise? Join us on Friday, July 26th, at 4:00 PM WAT for the Connect Nigeria BizMix, an event designed for business professionals like you. Read more about Business Meet The Speakers Lexi Novitske – General Partner, Norrsken22 Lexi … Continue reading Connect Nigeria BizMix: Meet the Speakers

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Don’t Miss Nigeria’s Plastics Boom – 2nd COMPLAST NIGERIA 2024

April 19, 2022

  Are you thinking about becoming an entrepreneur? You can join the plastics industry now – the fastest-growing sector in Nigeria! Here’s your golden ticket to connect, learn, and discover the latest advancements in the plastics industry at the 2nd edition of COMPLAST NIGERIA. Read more about Business The 2nd edition of COMPLAST NIGERIA – … Continue reading Don’t Miss Nigeria’s Plastics Boom – 2nd COMPLAST NIGERIA 2024

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Culture Discover Nigeria

Celebrating Nigeria’s Rich Cultural Heritage: The Art of Traditional Crafts

April 19, 2022

  Nigeria, a country with a diverse cultural heritage, is home to a wide array of traditional crafts passed down through generations. These crafts not only serve as a means of livelihood for many Nigerians but also represent the rich artistic and cultural expressions of the various ethnic groups within the country. Read more about … Continue reading Celebrating Nigeria’s Rich Cultural Heritage: The Art of Traditional Crafts

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Unlocking the Golden Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Gold Trading in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  Greetings from the golden ticket of Nigerian investing prospects! Trading gold is like tapping into millennia’s worth of riches – it’s not simply about hitting it lucky. In an economic rollercoaster world, gold is the rock-solid stability in the storm. Astute investors are jumping on board to trade gold and take advantage of this fantastic … Continue reading Unlocking the Golden Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Gold Trading in Nigeria

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BUSINESS Grants Opportunities

Join the Connect Nigeria Webinar to Learn How to Apply for Grants and Accelerators

April 19, 2022

  Are you a business owner or entrepreneur looking to take your venture to the next level? Understanding how to secure grants, accelerators, and incubators can be a game-changer for your business growth. Connect Nigeria is thrilled to announce its webinar titled “How to Apply for Grants, Accelerators, and Incubators for Your Business”. The Connect … Continue reading Join the Connect Nigeria Webinar to Learn How to Apply for Grants and Accelerators

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Popular Nigerian Travel Accounts to Follow on Instagram

April 19, 2022

  Social media has made it easier to discover new travel destinations and get inspiration for your next adventure. On Instagram, there are travel accounts dedicated to showcasing the beauty of Nigeria and promoting local travel. Here are some of the top Nigerian travel accounts you should follow: Read more about Travel Irinajo_ng This travel … Continue reading Popular Nigerian Travel Accounts to Follow on Instagram

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