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How To Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Find Your Target Audience On Social Media

April 19, 2022

  Social media marketers always want to be sure that they’re reaching the right audience. If they are getting through to their targets, they stand a better chance of succeeding with their marketing campaigns. But if they aren’t connecting with their ideal audience, their resource spends and exertions could be in vain. Read more about … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Find Your Target Audience On Social Media

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Increase Your Audience’s Engagement With Social Media Polls

April 19, 2022

  Polls are interesting for many reasons. They reveal our preferences, our loves and hates, our pet peeves, and the things we truly cherish. When they’re well-crafted, they could give the pollster an insight into the correspondents’ minds. Read more about Social Media Marketing Tips These days, polls have also become a part of the … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Increase Your Audience’s Engagement With Social Media Polls

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Drive Engagement With Social Media Contests

April 19, 2022

  Who doesn’t like freebies? For eons, businesses have attracted new customers with giveaways. It’s a tried and tested strategy that taps into our love for gifts and lower-than-average-price offerings. And it’s still achieving results for brands today. More recently, businesses have turned to social media contests as a way to leverage this human tendency … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Drive Engagement With Social Media Contests

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Increase Your Audience Engagement By Tapping Into Trending Topics

April 19, 2022

  Social media thrives on trending topics. It’s what brings individuals on these platforms out of their immediate circle of friends and followers, and causes them to interact with much broader audiences. It could be an issue from everyday life that’s common to many people or some event from a specific sphere or industry. Sometimes … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Increase Your Audience Engagement By Tapping Into Trending Topics

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Improve Your Marketing With User Generated Content

April 19, 2022

  When people want to decide on buying a product, they are more likely to trust user testimonies about it than they are to rely on that brand’s marketing messages. In other words, they think regular people like them tend to be less biased about their assessment of products because they don’t have a stake … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Improve Your Marketing With User Generated Content

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: Increase Your Audience Engagement Using Infographics

April 19, 2022

  An infographic is a graphic that uses images, texts, and charts to represent information or data. They’re used to make such information or data easier to understand and assimilate. You have probably seen these graphics. Sometimes they provide a visual summary of statistics from a business or industry; in other instances, they highlight the … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: Increase Your Audience Engagement Using Infographics

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Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Social Media Engagement Using Scheduling Tools

April 19, 2022

You get closer to achieving your aim with social media campaigns when you’re able to ramp up engagement on your social network pages. And this is where most individuals and organizations falter. If you’re going to avoid the low-engagement problem, you’ll need a strategy that takes both your wants and the realities of social media … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Increase Social Media Engagement Using Scheduling Tools

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Run Facebook Ads That Convert

April 19, 2022

  Times have changed. With the decline of organic reach, paid advertising has now become more necessary and profitable than ever for businesses on social media. These days, even a small amount of paid advertising can boost the reach of small businesses on Facebook. Read more about Social Media Marketing Tips However, before diving fully … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: How To Run Facebook Ads That Convert

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Great Ways To Generate Content Ideas When You’re Stuck

April 19, 2022

  The ordeal of spending lengthy periods, racking one’s brain and thinking of what to write or post about is something most content creators are familiar with. It’s even worse when one has to meet deadlines or reach set targets. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. If you’re a content creator who faces … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Great Ways To Generate Content Ideas When You’re Stuck

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Social Media TECH

Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Mistakes You Are Probably Making With Instagram Stories

April 19, 2022

  There’s no reason you shouldn’t be using Instagram Stories for your business. Compared to Instagram posts, Stories are engaging and interactive and they make it easier to connect with your audience. However, you must use this marketing tool the right for it to be effective. Here are 5 common mistakes to avoid when using … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 Mistakes You Are Probably Making With Instagram Stories

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 10 Great Ideas For Video Marketing Content | Part 2

April 19, 2022

  What gadget did you use to watch the last video you came across?  Was it your phone, computer or television? The odds are high that you used your smartphone. In fact, it is safe to say that you watch most of your videos on your smartphone. It is easy to draw this conclusion because … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 10 Great Ideas For Video Marketing Content | Part 2

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E-Commerce Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 10 Great Ideas For Video Marketing Content |Part 1

April 19, 2022

  In 2020, it is not hard to see that video contents have dominated every social media platform and channel. Video-sharing platforms like TikTok are a testament to how engaging and addicting video contents can be. Not only that, but studies have also shown that around 78% of people watch online videos every week, while 55% … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 10 Great Ideas For Video Marketing Content |Part 1

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Customer Retention Strategies To Adopt In 2020

April 19, 2022

  If you want to build a successful business, then your customers must be your utmost priority. Unfortunately, many businesses invest all their time and resources in generating leads and care less about customer retention.  Of course, acquiring new leads is important, but nurturing your existing customers should be your top priority. This is why … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 4 Customer Retention Strategies To Adopt In 2020

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 More Ways To Sell Successfully On Pinterest

April 19, 2022

In a previous post, we looked at some of the fundamentals for selling on Pinterest. Here are 5 additionals ways to get it right on Pinterest and take your online marketing to the next level.  Humanise your brand Showing the human side of your brand is one of the easiest ways to resonate with your audience. … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: 5 More Ways To Sell Successfully On Pinterest

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: A Fundamental Guide To Start Selling On Pinterest

April 19, 2022

In the past, Pinterest was just a platform for looking up new recipes and DIY ideas. Now, it is a major shopping search engine with 320 million active monthly users worldwide not just searching for recipes but also shopping products.  This is an indication that there is a lot your brand can gain by selling … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: A Fundamental Guide To Start Selling On Pinterest

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