
Search result for: Men You Should Know


5 Dos and Donts in SMS Marketing

April 19, 2022

Have you tried using SMS as a marketing channel for your business? You should. Here’s why – it’s relatively inexpensive and very effective when done properly. Besides, every phone today is SMS enable and it is reported that SMS messages are read within 3 minutes after their receipt.   Many companies benefit heavily from SMS … Continue reading 5 Dos and Donts in SMS Marketing

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Proud To Be Nigerian

April 19, 2022

I was early for Sunday service in church, so I tucked into an empty seat and flipped through the brochure. Soon, an Asian lady squeezed into the space beside me. I could tell she was peeking at me, rather covertly though.  She averted my eyes each time I looked in her direction, but as soon … Continue reading Proud To Be Nigerian

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‘To Thyself Be True’ – Developing Self Awareness

April 19, 2022

I was at a job interview. On the outside, I worked to project the confident, cool and collected interviewee. On the inside, I was on my knees begging ‘Please have mercy on this graduate in the wilderness of graduate employment for those of us without experience!’ I had answered the technical questions with flair (at … Continue reading ‘To Thyself Be True’ – Developing Self Awareness

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The Malady of “Buy Me The Hollandia Type”

April 19, 2022

  The Virus: For the lovers of Peak evaporated milk, the cliché of choice is between the one with Hollandia written on the top and the one without. The above scenario is to depict our cravings for foreign goods; from edible goods to other non-edible stuff. Things have gone so bad that some not so … Continue reading The Malady of “Buy Me The Hollandia Type”

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Considering Homeschooling

April 19, 2022

The idea of homeschooling is not one that is common, especially in Nigeria. Also known as home education, homeschooling is a scheme of educating children within the home, as opposed to formal education in public or private schools. In this setting, the children are taught by parents or tutors. Reasons parents opt for homeschooling vary, … Continue reading Considering Homeschooling

By nnenna

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4 Best Solutions for a Cracked Smartphone Screen

April 19, 2022

A majority of people in Nigeria use smartphones and are faced, from time to time, with the challenge of a cracked screen. No doubt dropping your phone and cracking the screen can completely ruin your day. However, it does not have to be the end of the world. With the economic situation of the country … Continue reading 4 Best Solutions for a Cracked Smartphone Screen

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TechTuesday: 5 Tips to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post for Nigerians

April 19, 2022

Blogging is big in Nigeria at the moment. So many Nigerian bloggers publish posts on a daily basis, however, not all of them understand the concept or importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in online writing. While blogging appears to be fun, it is important to keep in mind that is it a business and … Continue reading TechTuesday: 5 Tips to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post for Nigerians

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History Opinion Religion

St. Valentine: Patron Saint of Romance and Courtly Love

April 19, 2022

St. Valentine has been associated with courtly love and romance; however, little is known about this celebrated figure. Like other legends, it is thought he was a fourth-century Roman who was martyred during the reign of Claudius II. His feast day, on 14 February, collides with the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia (a pagan festival … Continue reading St. Valentine: Patron Saint of Romance and Courtly Love

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Tip of the Day


April 19, 2022

 Nothing is as painful as living off people especially if you’re a millennial and have had to work and earn money until you somehow became unemployed. It humbles you, makes you come to terms with one of life’s tests as to whether you are producer-minded or a lowly consumer. For some, this state of mendicancy … Continue reading Mindshift

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5 Ways Technology Has Changed Love

April 19, 2022

Before the grand entry of technology, love was solely reliant on the efforts of both parties making it work. Writing love letters, and travelling long distances just to see your partner was the norm. However, with technology came change and with this evolution, a myriad of both positive and unhealthy habits with it. So what … Continue reading 5 Ways Technology Has Changed Love

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Over-Expectation: A Recipe for Disaster

April 19, 2022

It is quite astonishing how sports are linked to our everyday lives. The English Premier League (EPL), arguably the best TV series in the World, returned to our TV screens for the 24th season last August. Prior to its premiere, there was a lot of fanfare worldwide. Every fan predicted how the season would shape … Continue reading Over-Expectation: A Recipe for Disaster

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5 Golden Rules of Business Travel for Nigerians

April 19, 2022

Business travel – both domestic and international – is an essential part of the economy. In most companies however, many view business travel as simply an expense and do not see the benefits that come from it. Therefore they set aside little budget for it, making the trip in itself extremely tedious for the employee who … Continue reading 5 Golden Rules of Business Travel for Nigerians

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10 Quick Facts about Cancer

April 19, 2022

Today is World Cancer Day. Here are some things you should know about cancer. 1. Cancer is a group of diseases caused by an uncontrolled spread of abnormal cells in the body that form tumors (growths/lumps). 2. It can affect any part of the body. Blood cancers do not form tumors. Benign tumors do not … Continue reading 10 Quick Facts about Cancer

By nnenna

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The Nigerian Civilization: More Haste, Less Speed

April 19, 2022

Introduction Civilization is the education of people in society. It enables cultural values to be appreciated and adhered to. Today’s world revolves on civilisation wheels fashioned by the West (Europeans). The Past Nigeria, a former colony of the British Empire, has had as an aftermath of colonialism, the path of its constituent nations and the … Continue reading The Nigerian Civilization: More Haste, Less Speed

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Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: 3 Tips on Winning Big from February

April 19, 2022

January is over, and for most people very little was accomplished. They started with the idea that January is a month to ‘wait out’ till pay day having spent more than they should have during the holidays. What many do not consider is that how you approach January sets the tone for the rest of … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Tips on Winning Big from February

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