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Health Wellness

Wellness: 5 Habits That Damage The Brain 

April 19, 2022

  The internet abounds with information on how to lose weight, boost heart health, and care for other organs of the body. However, we hardly get to see information about caring for the most important organ in the body, the brain. Read more about Wellness The brain controls every other organ in the body and … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Habits That Damage The Brain 

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How To Tourism Travel

Travel Tips: How To Have ‘Green’ Vacations In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  The beauty of the underdeveloped nature of Nigeria’s tourism destinations makes them ‘green’ locations. ‘Going green’ means being environmentally friendly to protect the planet. Read more about Travel and Tourism So while having resorts and fancy buildings around our natural resources might seem like development, sometimes, they harm the environment. Nigeria is home to … Continue reading Travel Tips: How To Have ‘Green’ Vacations In Nigeria

By ann

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Democracy Day: What We Must Do

April 19, 2022

  Democracy Day, June 12, this year is with a little difference. A lot of Nigerians are rather angry and have preferred not to join in the celebrations the government may have highlighted to pat themselves on the back. Read more about Politics Instead, protest locations both within and outside Nigeria are being prepped for … Continue reading Democracy Day: What We Must Do

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Recipe For Boiled Groundnut

April 19, 2022

  Boiled Groundnut is one of the traditional snacks enjoyed in Nigeria. It is different in taste and texture from roasted groundnut. But while the latter is a year-round snack, the former is a seasonal snack that is usually found in abundance during the rainy season. Read more about Food Recipe At this time, you … Continue reading Recipe For Boiled Groundnut

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Anthony Owei Is Enabling Nigerians To Earn From Poultry Farming, Wherever They Are

April 19, 2022

  When we think of farming, we often picture people in worn-out garbs surrounded by greenery. They may be bent over and striking the ground with hoes, or plucking fruits or cobs and dropping them into the baskets they’re carrying. Read more about Business Or they could be in a pen, tending to hundreds of … Continue reading Anthony Owei Is Enabling Nigerians To Earn From Poultry Farming, Wherever They Are

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Food How To

Tip Of The Day: How To Roast Tasty Chicken

April 19, 2022

  I’m Roman Catholic. Every year, we have the Harvest and Bazaar programme on our church calendar. It is basically an annual end of the year thanksgiving event where the congregants appreciate God for his blessings throughout the year. Read more about Food As a child, I always looked forward to this programme, not because … Continue reading Tip Of The Day: How To Roast Tasty Chicken

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The Brutality Of Change In The Workplace

April 19, 2022

Whenever I have to interview managers for any top executive role, I always ask, “So what’s most important to you, result or relationship”? Over to you, what’s most important to you, result or relationship? Read more about Business In the workplace, democratic leaders seem to care more about relationships than results. On the other hand, … Continue reading The Brutality Of Change In The Workplace

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Press Release TECH

ISN Response To Twitter Ban

April 19, 2022

  Innovation Support Network, Nigeria’s largest community of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship support Hubs which is focused on creating linkages with corporates, development partners, academia and government to catalyze Nigeria’s innovation ecosystem, has watched with shock and disappointment the escalation of events that have led to the ban of Twitter in Nigeria. This puts Nigeria … Continue reading ISN Response To Twitter Ban

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FinTech TECH

Broadband Penetration And The Impact Of Tech-Economy In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  There is no denying the impact technology has on Nigeria’s economy, and even globally. It isn’t more about trends now, but an awareness that can be compared to the shifting of communication from landlines to mobile devices. Read more about Tech Broadband Penetration, simply put, is the number of subscriptions to a fixed or … Continue reading Broadband Penetration And The Impact Of Tech-Economy In Nigeria

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Teamwork In The Workplace

April 19, 2022

Africa has one of the strongest, most prolific and intelligent men who produce an unintelligent result when in a group or institution. So Obama in 2009 while on a presidential visit to Ghana reminded us all “Africa does not need strong men. It needs strong institutions”. Read more about Business Inspired by Sarah Chayes, in … Continue reading Teamwork In The Workplace

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BUSINESS Social Media

Social Media Marketing Tips: The Significance Of Social Media Marketing

April 19, 2022

  As unbelievable as it may seem, not all businesses are aware of the benefits of social media marketing. If this sounds like you, read on to discover the ways in which your business can benefit from being on social media. Read more about Social media marketing tips Increases Brand Awareness Gaining social proof is … Continue reading Social Media Marketing Tips: The Significance Of Social Media Marketing

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Nature’s Pharmacy: 13 Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

April 19, 2022

  For today, we will be looking at the wonderful food known as tiger nuts. Tiger nuts, as opposed to popular belief, are not actually nuts rather, they are tiny tubers and also known as nookoon, earth almonds, chufa, or yellow nutsedge. Read more about Health These tiny tubers are very rich in minerals, vitamin … Continue reading Nature’s Pharmacy: 13 Health Benefits Of Tiger Nuts

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Real Estate

The Best Places To Rent An Office Space In Lagos

April 19, 2022

  If you run a business in Lagos and you’re thinking about moving or expanding to a new office there, you may wonder where the best location would be to set up. Read more about Real Estate Some of the things you’d consider when prospecting for a location for your office would include: Affordability of … Continue reading The Best Places To Rent An Office Space In Lagos

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How To Start A Lucrative Jewellery Business In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  If you love jewellery and the fashion statement they make on behalf of their wearers, you may consider earning money from selling them. Read more about How To But starting a jewellery line or opening a store for it isn’t going to be straightforward. There’s a lot you have to decide upon, from how … Continue reading How To Start A Lucrative Jewellery Business In Nigeria

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SMEs As Underdogs – The Advantages Of Their Disadvantages

April 19, 2022

  The bull as an animal is strangely hardwired in its brain to not attack, react or recognize anything below a certain height as an enemy. So to illustrate this, when a group of people walks uprights towards it, it is provoked to attack. But if they all suddenly duck down around an equal low … Continue reading SMEs As Underdogs – The Advantages Of Their Disadvantages

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