
Search result for: App of the week


Nigeria’s Record Breakers

April 19, 2022

Nigeria is known for so many things, both positive and negative. Despite the country’s reputation in areas of corruption, oil bunkering, internet scams and poverty, Nigeria is undoubtedly also home to exceptionally brilliant minds and industrious people. As we are currently immersed in the fight against terrorism in the north, abduction of school children, mass … Continue reading Nigeria’s Record Breakers

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4 Ways to Deal With Workplace Stress

April 19, 2022

We all face stress. Books and tips abound on the topic of dealing with stress in our lives but it seems the more we try to eliminate stress from our lives, the more prevalent stress and associated disorders become. Workplace stress is a staple of modern lives, what with endless meetings, tasks and interruptions that … Continue reading 4 Ways to Deal With Workplace Stress

By roman

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LIFESTYLE Relationships

The One Thing Your Wife Really Craves From You

April 19, 2022

Last weekend I wrote an article about the one thing your husband really craves from you, and as expected, many readers wanted to know when the “wife version” would appear. As one reader rightly guessed when I said it would take a while, what your wife really wants from you would fill a book! Still, … Continue reading The One Thing Your Wife Really Craves From You

By jehonwa

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Creative Industry Opinion

9 Interesting Naija Twitter Hashtags and the Handles That Drive Them

April 19, 2022

Hashtags are a great way to join in conversations on Twitter. Some of them are simply used to make a series of tweets on a particular subject easier to find, like #marriedsex, while others are used to host twitter chat shows, like #NHBi. Here is a selection of unique hashtags guaranteed to open your eyes … Continue reading 9 Interesting Naija Twitter Hashtags and the Handles That Drive Them

By jehonwa

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Nigeria Today: Top Ten News Stories You Shouldn’t Miss

April 19, 2022

1.Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola says Lagos State has the capacity to combat any infectious disease, including the Ebola Virus Disease, should it rear its ugly head again. The governor therefore told foreigners willing to visit or invest in the country that Lagos State, having successfully curbed the EVD was now safe and free from all … Continue reading Nigeria Today: Top Ten News Stories You Shouldn’t Miss

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5 Helpful Tips for New Mothers

April 19, 2022

Being the mother- primary caregiver, food vending machine, nurse, first friend, guardian angel- of a precious, fragile, helpless newborn can be both frightening and tasking. Here are a few tips to ease that burden if only slightly. 1. Always keep a list handy for when friends and family come around. I remember when, weighed down … Continue reading 5 Helpful Tips for New Mothers

By jehonwa

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Events International Media

Nigeria Granted Rights To Host World Schools Debate Competition

April 19, 2022

    Nigeria has been granted hosting rights for the 2015 World Schools Debate Competition, due to the country’s representatives’ brilliant performance in the World Schools Debate Competition held in Bangkok this year. The debate competition is expected to welcome a young bunch of debaters from over 60 foreign countries into Nigeria to participate in … Continue reading Nigeria Granted Rights To Host World Schools Debate Competition

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Health LIFESTYLE Science & Technology

4 Simple Tips For Healthy Teeth

April 19, 2022

Dentists are probably one of the specialized doctors with less work load, and that is because a lot of people do not see the reason to have a dental check up except something is obviously wrong with their teeth or gum. The most common problem that arises with the teeth is what is commonly known … Continue reading 4 Simple Tips For Healthy Teeth

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Business Profiles

Business Profile: Ziatech Generators‏

April 19, 2022

Erratic power supply is frustrating; generators can be annoying! This is especially so when you get a new generator and in a few weeks, you had to push it aside because it would not respond… Ziatech Generators are happy that you have finally found your way to them. With over 25 years of experience and … Continue reading Business Profile: Ziatech Generators‏

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CAREER Tip of the Day

3 Tips to Help You Get More Productive in The Work Place

April 19, 2022

It’s the beginning of another hectic work week and you’re not quite sure of how you can be more productive in the office. You seem to have a hard time deciding on a strategy that will give you the greatest reward on your effort. Productivity is all about getting things done in the shortest period … Continue reading 3 Tips to Help You Get More Productive in The Work Place

By roman

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CAREER Tip of the Day

3 Things To Know About Goals

April 19, 2022

What do you want? New car? New job? A raise in salary? Whatever it is, merely wishing for these wants to become a reality is not enough. We need to set GOALS. Goals are the end to which effort is directed. Without goals, our efforts at creating the life we’ve always dreamed of are nothing … Continue reading 3 Things To Know About Goals

By roman

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Tourism Travel

Yellow Mitsubishi: The Third Road Trip

April 19, 2022

   Omu Resort (Lagos), Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove (Osun), Idanre Hills (Ondo) With the four-day weekend early this month (October 4 to 7) a great opportunity for a road trip presented itself, and so road tripping we went.   Lagos We started off on October 4 with a visit to Omu Resort in Bogije Town, … Continue reading Yellow Mitsubishi: The Third Road Trip

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Motivational Monday: Beating The Monday Blues

April 19, 2022

    Nearly everyone hates the sound of their alarm on a Monday morning. You had a weekend away from work or school, and now it’s time to go back again. Let’s face it, most of us would rather be buried under our duvets, continuing the enjoyment of the weekend. Most people feel this way … Continue reading Motivational Monday: Beating The Monday Blues

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Motivational Monday: 3 Things You Should Know About Attitude

April 19, 2022

  Our attitude is how we interpret our life experiences — our individual takes on life in general — how we make sense of reality. Attitude is of course a very powerful determinant of how far one can go in any endeavour. Still, a lot of people struggle with having a good attitude towards work … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Things You Should Know About Attitude

By roman

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Tip of the Day

Talking to Strangers

April 19, 2022

  There’s this guy I used to see often. Sometimes I’d be riding in a danfo and pass him on Ozumba Mbadiwe Road; other times I’d walk by him while I’m walking across Falomo Bridge to Ikoyi, always on my way to work. He’d be either running on the culvert that divides Ozumba or he’d … Continue reading Talking to Strangers

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