
Search result for: Men You Should Know

CAREER FAMILY Real Estate Tip of the Day

Do You Have a Pension Plan That Works?

April 19, 2022

By Adaora Ude Thanks to the Pension Reform Act of 2004, Nigerian workers have something to look forward to at the end of their ‘working life’ and for the rest of their ‘living life’. It is a way to encourage Nigerians to save towards their pensions and have a ‘little’ nest egg of some sort; … Continue reading Do You Have a Pension Plan That Works?

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5 Steps to Improving Your Life

April 19, 2022

I cannot count how much times I have heard my friends tell me “Life is a journey” when it appears I am acting leisurely. I always interpret their words to mean, “Girl, you cannot afford to stand still. You gotta keep moving!” But I have come to realize that at some point in this journey … Continue reading 5 Steps to Improving Your Life

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FAMILY LIFESTYLE Stuff TECH Telecommunication

You And Your Phone Are One!

April 19, 2022

It was 5.30am when she hit the street with her earphones on. Light was beginning to shove darkness away. Panting, and with her mind fixated on her weight loss strategy, her feet hit the ground in quick succession, even as she regaled her mind with music from her Blackberry phone, using her earphones for convenience … Continue reading You And Your Phone Are One!

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5 Questions Good Job Candidates Should Ask

April 19, 2022

It is often hard to know what to expect at the end of interviews, but at the end of most interviews, interviewers often ask potential candidates if they have any question they would like to ask. A candidate who asks questions of substance is perceived as a more engaging candidate. Asking questions show that you … Continue reading 5 Questions Good Job Candidates Should Ask

By kobe

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Who to Follow on Twitter: Social Commentators

April 19, 2022

Wondering who to follow on Twitter this weekend? The more you know about the society, the better a citizen of the world you will be. For engaging discourse that will go a long way in increasing your social awareness, the following accounts are recommended: @obyezeks Bio: A fiercely passionate believer in the public good of … Continue reading Who to Follow on Twitter: Social Commentators

By jehonwa

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Food Health

Obesity in Kids: What Parents Need to Know

April 19, 2022

During the summer break recently, I saw some kids and was not only baffled but afraid for the up-coming generation with regard to my encounter. A particular girl, who couldn’t be older than 15 years – which, by the way, is many years younger than I am, was HUGE! Let’s just say, triple my size. … Continue reading Obesity in Kids: What Parents Need to Know

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A BRT Experience – “You Are Just Not Good Enough”

April 19, 2022

I have heard that when you have a complaint concerning Lagos and governmental services rendered, and you voice it succinctly, the state will most likely listen and attend to it. Eko o ni baje o! That is commendable. In that vein, I have come to table this matter before our elders. I had an experience … Continue reading A BRT Experience – “You Are Just Not Good Enough”

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6 Things You Should Know About Ramadan

April 19, 2022

Have you ever been to a kid’s birthday party? If you have, you might remember that right before everybody plunges into the celebration, the emcee or hosts asks an important question. “Who can tell me why we are here?” he or she might bellow over the microphone, and dozens of kids would scramble over themselves … Continue reading 6 Things You Should Know About Ramadan

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How to Keep Your Brand Relevant in an Evolving Economy

April 19, 2022

Technology is moving at such a fast pace that the business world is evolving much more rapidly than it used to.  At times such as we are in, the big question is accessing your company’s present status; “is your company relevant today and will it be tomorrow?” Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest challenges … Continue reading How to Keep Your Brand Relevant in an Evolving Economy

By kobe

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About to Wed: 5 Signs You’re Making a Mistake

April 19, 2022

Nearly 2 years ago, my best friend relocated to Lagos to take up a new job. I was a newlywed and she couldn’t move in with me, so she had to stay with a family we’d both known for a long time. If you’ve ever been in this position you know that no matter how … Continue reading About to Wed: 5 Signs You’re Making a Mistake

By jehonwa

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Dear Guests; 3 Ways YOU Can Ruin a Wedding

April 19, 2022

credit: www.go2gurl.comHave you ever considered the right colours to wear for a wedding, or had to make a tough decision on whether to take a ‘few’ friends along? In this article, Oaken Events Nigeria highlights three major gaffes guests make at weddings. Learn and enjoy. Here are a few unnoticed wedding don’ts most guests are … Continue reading Dear Guests; 3 Ways YOU Can Ruin a Wedding

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7 Habits For a Happier You

April 19, 2022

  Happiness is a true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the utmost expression of success. It’s almost impossible to make others happy if you don’t feel the same. What is the story behind people’s happiness? Why are some people happier than others? A very big question. Time and again we unconsciously … Continue reading 7 Habits For a Happier You

By kobe

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5 Online Groups Every Developer Should Join

April 19, 2022

For most developers, the internet is home, and with various social networks to choose from, the internet is not such a lonely place anymore. Aside all the fun that social networks bring, it also helps to join meaningful groups for resources, idea generation and to seek for help when you get stuck. As a developer, … Continue reading 5 Online Groups Every Developer Should Join

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Tony Elumelu Fellow Profile: Ada Osakwe, Business Expertise for Effective Government

April 19, 2022

Last November, in keeping with the Transformation Agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan and the resolve by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, to steer the agricultural sector away from the age-long practice that sees it as a developmental project into a private sector led business that is a major driver … Continue reading Tony Elumelu Fellow Profile: Ada Osakwe, Business Expertise for Effective Government

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10 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job or a Call Back

April 19, 2022

credit: www.economist.comIn this economy, with the high rate of unemployment, you have to be more creative and hungry to get a job- talk less of a good or great one. What have you done with the time you’ve spent out of work to improve your chances of getting the job you desire? Have you taught … Continue reading 10 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job or a Call Back

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