
Search result for: monday motivation


Motivational Monday: Avoid Excuses

April 19, 2022

“The ideal person bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” – Aristotle Uhmm … excuses, excuses, excuses! When would I ever grow out of it? We have a million reasons for not succeeding in life, but not one good excuse. Without doubt, we will undergo or have undergone … Continue reading Motivational Monday: Avoid Excuses

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Motivational Monday: 10 Rules For Success

April 19, 2022

Have you ever shopped with Ali Express? YouTube Host, Evan Carmichael compiled a list of its founder, Jack Ma’s 10 Rules For Success which we found rather inspiring. In 2014, Mr. Ma was named the 18th richest man on the planet, with an estimated net worth of US$29.7 billion. With this in mind, his rules are … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 10 Rules For Success

By ify

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Science & Technology

Motivational Monday: How to Scale Your Business With Technology

April 19, 2022

Channels Television recently featured Connect Nigeria’s Managing Director, Mr. Emeka Okafor in an episode of its technology-centered show, Tech Trends hosted by C.F. Agbata. During his engaging interview, Mr. Okafor highlighted the importance of technology in boosting the growth of SMEs and eventually, the Nigerian economy. He also cited that with approximately 100 million Nigerians … Continue reading Motivational Monday: How to Scale Your Business With Technology

By ify

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Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: 4 Things Your Vision Will Do For You

April 19, 2022

Let’s talk about your vision. Many times, we spend a lot of time talking about other people’s visions and that’s not a bad thing – except ours get totally lost in the mix!Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happens most times. Remember that you’re a person of value with a unique purpose and your vision should find … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 4 Things Your Vision Will Do For You

By ejura

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Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: The Power of Focus

April 19, 2022

There is something that is very powerful with the potential to give you greater speed and direction in life. It’s called FOCUS. Distractions abound. In fact, something or someone will try to distract you from this right now. But you can’t afford to be distracted because your life and future depend on this.Listen to this brief … Continue reading Motivational Monday: The Power of Focus

By ejura

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Motivational Monday: How to Meet Your Sales Target

April 19, 2022

The naira is falling and people take longer to make purchases now. What this means is that the market will not adapt – at least not soon, so it is now up to the sales person to change – in order to meet the needs of this new economic environment. Below are a few recommended … Continue reading Motivational Monday: How to Meet Your Sales Target

By ejura

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Motivational Monday: 6 Ways to Start a Business With No Money

April 19, 2022

X: “Tayo, I have a massive idea that can make me millions from the first month” Tayo: “Okay that’s nice, have you started work on it?” X: “No, I haven’t. I am waiting to gather enough money, and then I will start.” Tayo: “Hmmm”   This is the type of conversation I have every day … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 6 Ways to Start a Business With No Money

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Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: Make a Difference, Give That Push

April 19, 2022

Sometimes in the journey of life, we come across some people with so much promise; so much potential in them to go on and become the very best they could be in life. But sadly, a lot don’t eventually attain this potential, they don’t fulfil their great promise, not because they don’t possess enough abilities … Continue reading Motivational Monday: Make a Difference, Give That Push

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Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday- Counting Your Blessings

April 19, 2022

Have you ever logged on to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to see someone’s perfect picture and wished that was you? Have you found yourself envying the life they seemingly have? If there is one negative thing to come out of social media (there are several), it is the tendency to showcase the glamorous part of everyone, … Continue reading Motivational Monday- Counting Your Blessings

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Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: What Determines Success

April 19, 2022

It is often said that talent, passion, and skills are the determining factors for a successful life or career. To an extent, that is very correct. To succeed at anything, we need a healthy dose of skills and passion. This will give you the required tools to work on a project, start a business or … Continue reading Motivational Monday: What Determines Success

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Motivational Monday: 3 Reasons Why People Matter

April 19, 2022

  Other people matter. This may sound like a well-worn motivational sound bite by pop psychologists and the likes, but it is an apt description of what life is all about. Life, the good life, is and should be all about people. Our journey across life will bisect and intersect with other people and a … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Reasons Why People Matter

By roman

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Motivational Monday: Beating The Monday Blues

April 19, 2022

    Nearly everyone hates the sound of their alarm on a Monday morning. You had a weekend away from work or school, and now it’s time to go back again. Let’s face it, most of us would rather be buried under our duvets, continuing the enjoyment of the weekend. Most people feel this way … Continue reading Motivational Monday: Beating The Monday Blues

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Motivational Monday: 3 Things You Should Know About Attitude

April 19, 2022

  Our attitude is how we interpret our life experiences — our individual takes on life in general — how we make sense of reality. Attitude is of course a very powerful determinant of how far one can go in any endeavour. Still, a lot of people struggle with having a good attitude towards work … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Things You Should Know About Attitude

By roman

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CAREER Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: 3 Things to Keep in Mind as You Succeed

April 19, 2022

  It’s a great place to be; your hard work and dedication are finally paying off, and you’re on your way up the ladder. You will do well to keep these 3 things in mind: 1. Stay humble: One of the things top professionals will have you know is that you can’t let success go … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 3 Things to Keep in Mind as You Succeed

By jehonwa

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CAREER Tip of the Day

Motivational Monday: How To Better Manage Your Life

April 19, 2022

I was watching a YouTube video the other day about zen habits and time management, and it got me thinking. These days, we are confronted by so many distractions, have so many things going on at the same time, that it can become pretty easy to lose focus on whatever it is you want to … Continue reading Motivational Monday: How To Better Manage Your Life

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