
Search result for: marketing tips


7 Tips for Driving Business Growth with Inbound Marketing

April 19, 2022

  These days, consumers are bombarded with advertisements and marketing messages at every turn. And, under such conditions, traditional outbound marketing tactics—which emphasize continuous advertisement and sales, usually through traditional media –are losing their effectiveness. In response, businesses are turning to inbound marketing as a more authentic and value-driven approach to attract and engage potential customers. … Continue reading 7 Tips for Driving Business Growth with Inbound Marketing

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Social Media

Tips for Effective Facebook Marketing

April 19, 2022

  In the world of digital marketing, mastering effective strategies for Facebook is essential for any business seeking an online presence. Here in this article are some practical tips for making the most out of Facebook marketing. Read more about Social Media Know Your Audience Understanding your target audience is the foundation of successful marketing. … Continue reading Tips for Effective Facebook Marketing

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Content Marketing: Tips for Improvement

April 19, 2022

  Content marketing is the new gold. Only those who are getting it right will reap the benefits. In your content marketing process, you might make mistakes that reflect the gloomy results you get. Read more about Business Content marketing is more than churning out a bunch of content and expecting many consumers. There is … Continue reading Content Marketing: Tips for Improvement


Business Growth Tips: From A Business Blog Into A Powerful Marketing Tool

April 19, 2022

Your business should have a blog. With it, you can share what’s going on in your company with your customers and the broader public. When used the right way, your blog will be at the core of your communications strategy, enabling you to connect with your target market. Read more about Business Growth But there’s … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: From A Business Blog Into A Powerful Marketing Tool

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Business Growth Tips: How To Increase Your Sales With SMS Marketing

April 19, 2022

Mobile text messages remain a widely-used means of communication. They are also outstandingly effective; about 98% of text messages are opened by their recipients. That’s a much higher open rate than any other medium. Add the fact that mobile phones have an 85% penetration rate in Nigeria, and it becomes easy to see why SMS … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Increase Your Sales With SMS Marketing

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Business Growth Tips: How To Leverage Mobile Marketing To Grow Your Business

April 19, 2022

The mobile phone has become an almost indispensable tool in today’s world. That’s because it serves us in several important ways. With it, we communicate with family and business contacts, stay up to date, learn crucial and mundane facts, and entertain ourselves. And that’s just scratching the surface. Read more about Business growth In 2021, … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Leverage Mobile Marketing To Grow Your Business

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Social Media

5 Tips For Building Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

April 19, 2022

  If in this century and time, you still think that social media networking platforms are just for interactions, sharing pictures, and posting updates then you’re so wrong. Social media slowly crept into our lives and has become an integral part of it. Read more about Social Media Smart business owners noticed it, capitalized on … Continue reading 5 Tips For Building Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

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Financial Management: Tips To Creating A Marketing Budget

April 19, 2022

  Most small businesses and budding entrepreneurs are usually confused and tend to ask the question; “how much is too much to spend on marketing?”. Well, that’s an important question, and the key to answering it lies in drafting/creating a marketing budget as part of your marketing plan. Read more about Business The first thing … Continue reading Financial Management: Tips To Creating A Marketing Budget

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BUSINESS Social Media

Tips For Successful Social Media Marketing For Your Business

April 19, 2022

  If you’re looking to brush up on your social media marketing strategy for more productive sales, then thank heavens you stumbled upon this article. With the rate at which the world is advancing in digital technology and becoming a global village, social media has become a must-have tool for entrepreneurs and organizations. Read more … Continue reading Tips For Successful Social Media Marketing For Your Business

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Business Growth Tips: 6 Offline Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Sales

April 19, 2022

  As more of the world goes digital, businesses are responding by taking their marketing online. It’s easy to see why. Virtual space allows them to connect with a much larger audience than most offline alternatives can, and often at a cheaper cost. Read more about Business Growth Tips But there’s still a place for … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: 6 Offline Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Sales

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Tips For Launching An Effective Marketing Campaign

April 19, 2022

  There is a common misconception about marketing campaigns and how tasking it can be. It feels like a lot of work and as though it takes a whole village to achieve. Read more about Business It is very possible to launch a campaign and not lose your mind in the process, provided you have … Continue reading Tips For Launching An Effective Marketing Campaign

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Business Growth Tips: How To Achieve High Returns On Your Marketing Investment

April 19, 2022

  Marketing campaigns aren’t run on anything. Organizations know this. That’s why they have a marketing budget. Larger companies spend hefty sums on it; they’re always aiming to acquire customers by the thousands (or more). They do this for one reason: it often costs more money to gain more patronage. Read more about Business growth … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Achieve High Returns On Your Marketing Investment

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Business Growth Tips: Gain More Paying Customers With Direct Response Marketing

April 19, 2022

  Let’s explain direct response marketing with a simple example. You’re struggling to save money. Even when you have a lot, you wind up spending it all on a host of things—including items you don’t need. Read more about Business growth tips Then, one day, you stumble on a blog post from a digital savings … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: Gain More Paying Customers With Direct Response Marketing

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Business Growth Tips: How To Align Sales And Marketing To Increase Your Revenues

April 19, 2022

  Ideally, businesses are structured to function efficiently. Their sales and marketing divisions are often key parts of this structure. They are responsible for attracting leads and converting them into paying customers. Read more about Business growth tips These divisions operate at different ends of the customer journey. When they work together, they are better … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Align Sales And Marketing To Increase Your Revenues

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Social Media

The Importance of Authenticity in Social Media Marketing

April 19, 2022

  Social media is everywhere. From Facebook to Instagram, and TikTok to LinkedIn, people are constantly scrolling, liking, and sharing content. For businesses, social media has become a goldmine—a way to reach potential customers across the globe with just a few clicks. But with so many brands fighting for attention, there’s one thing that can … Continue reading The Importance of Authenticity in Social Media Marketing

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