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Wikipedia defines Emotional Intelligence as:
the capability of individuals to recognize their own and other people’s emotions, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(s).
The existence of intelligence is not a matter of bragging rights, it just is. Some are believed to be linguistically intelligent, which is the ability to think in words and use words to draw pictures of expression. Others have the aptitude to be musically intelligent. Now this set of people are very good at discerning pitches, musical notes, rhythm and tone without learning music formally. Some who are intelligent musically, may not be linguistically intelligent although studies have proven that they may be mathematically intelligent as music and mathematics make use of the same thinking process. There are different types of intelligence as explained in the above paragraph, but there is one worth asking questions about, Emotional Intelligence. This phrase has been tossed about so many times, yet many do not understand it. Is it to be a study of how hyperactive one is emotionally, or to give empathy to others? Emotional Intelligence is not about you measuring your spouse’s feelings or turning on the detective’s radar, well, your partner may just add up to your blood pressure and not your intelligence level. Emotional Intelligence is when you have an understanding of your feelings and emotions in other to relate to others feelings. Staying in the hostel as much as I have, would give you no option but to acknowledge your personal feelings. It is your feelings and so you should know without being told your effective language. Emotional intelligence is different from, but positively related to, other bits of intelligence. It is an individual difference, where some people are more endowed, and others are less so. It develops over a person’s life span and can be enhanced through training. It involves, at least in part, a person’s abilities to identify and to perceive emotion (in self and others), as well as possession of the skills to understand and to manage those emotions successfully. For different people, varying circumstances have different effects on them. For such people, you do not expect the way they feel to be gauged with yours. For instance, a particular woman in a community heard about the death of a dear neighbour and she was calm even though she was obviously in great sorrow. The following week, she heard of the death of another and she reacted much more violently. Anyone who does not have the ability to discern her separate feelings to the similar but diverse event may judge prematurely. Life truly is about your perception, however, accepting and using emotions/feelings are components of being human. When used in business, it makes your organization have a human face.

When consciously understood in business those with high emotional competencies are:

  •  Better at communicating their ideas, intentions and goals. They are more articulate, assertive and sensitive.
  • People who have team-work social skills, which are very important at work.
  • Highly perceptive and know their own and their teams’ strengths and weaknesses, which enables them to leverage the former and compensate for the latter.
  •  People who know how to deal with demands, pressure and stress better.
  • Accurate at identifying what followers feel and need, as well as, be more inspiring and supportive.
  •  People who can generate more excitement, enthusiasm and optimism.

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This article was first published on 22nd August 2017


Adepeju Adenuga is a writer (considering where you are reading this, makes perfect sense). She holds a Masters Degree in Literature in English from the University of Lagos.

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