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One of Nigeria’s online shopping malls,, has announced its intention to launch a restructured trading platform that will improve the shopping experience for shoppers in the mall. The trading platform, according to Konga, will be launching in the coming weeks, said Sim Shagaya, CEO of The new trading platform will revolutionise the way buyers and sellers interact, with a model that is more convenient for the seller and more attractive to the buyer. He also noted that It will create unlimited opportunities for Nigerian entrepreneurs, small business owners or even large business owners. It will serve as a nation builder, boosting employment, trade and powering economic growth and development in Nigeria. “About a year ago, we realised that for our services to be really valuable to society, we had to build a platform for anyone, not just Konga, to sell and prosper. We launched this platform to a limited number of sellers and in that time, we have learned how to build a truly revolutionary Nigerian online marketplace. Today we are pleased to invite all Nigerian businesses – great or small, designer or farmer, producer or trader, sole proprietorship or limited liability, – to sign up to this new platform – Konga Marketplace”. Konga also promises regular information on how to maximise the opportunity, processing and validation of Konga marketplace in coming weeks ahead of the launch. To use Konga’s Marketplace, simply visit to pre-register.  

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This article was first published on 18th February 2014

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