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We are very excited to announce that renowned Nigerian poet, Efe Paul Azino will be gracing this year’s Writers’ Conference with his wealth of experience. Widely regarded as one of Nigeria’s leading performance poets, Efe has been a headline performer at many of the nation’s premier performance poetry venues. He is the host of a special poetry segment at the annual Lagos Book and Art Festival and coordinator of spoken word poetry at the Open Door Series’ International Cultural Exchange and the Lagos Black Heritage Festival. He is also the producer of Nigeria’s first spoken word poetry theatre production ‘Finding Home’ and has performed at Johannesburg Arts Alive Festival, Ake Book and Arts Festival, Lagos Book and Arts Festival, Lights Camera Africa Film Festival, and British Council Lagos Theater Festival among others. He is an Osiwa Poetry Residency Fellow and his collection of poetry ‘For Broken Men Who Cross Often’ is due out this year under Farafina Books. To attend the conference, you must register. So hurry as only limited spaces are available! To register for the conference, please visit  

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This article was first published on 9th April 2015

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One thought on “Meet the Connect Nigeria Writers’ Conference Speakers: Efe Paul Azino”

  • Why is he still referred to as, one of the leading performance poets? Is there anyone better.

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