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African Fashion Ambassador, Lexy Mojo-Eyes was a dignified speaker at the just concluded 4th Pan African Congress hosted by the Government of South Africa through the department of Arts and Culture. The African Union invited this significant personality to address the Congress on the economic value the fashion industry can contribute to the continent using the Africa Fashion Reception as a platform. The Congress was themed ‘Unity in Cultural Diversity for Africa’s Development’. His Excellency, Dr Mustapha Sididki Laloko, Commissioner for Social Affairs of the African Union, gave the welcome address to delegates. Speakers in attendance included Dr. Mohammed Salem Soufi, Director General Afro Arab Institute, Damir Dijakovic, Programme Specialist, UNESCO, Anita Diop, Executive Director, African Roots Heritage Foundation, Prof Wolfgang Scheiden, University of Hildesheim, Germany and more prominent African culture and fashion stakeholders. Mr. Mojo-Eyes discussed how the fashion industry in Africa can be harnessed to ensure steady economic development. African designers must invest in research into the cultural backgrounds of their people and create African inspired garments that are appealing to the global market. Fabrics should also be locally sourced. He also urged all African citizens to patronise only locally made and designed African clothes. This would help to generate wealth on the continent that would secure a multiplying effect. It would also empower and create jobs for women and youths in various African continents. Mr. Lexy Mojo-Eyes is the President/CEO OF Legendary Gold Limited, organizers and owners of Nigeria Fashion Week, Nigeria Fashion Show, Nigeria Fashion Awards, Nigeria Model Awards and the Africa Fashion Reception. For more information on Legendary Gold Limited, please visit its official website.    

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This article was first published on 19th June 2015


Ify Halim is a Writer and media enthusiast based in Lagos. She enjoys writing self-help/inspirational articles with published work in UYD Magazine, Edufrica, Our Stories Inc. and The Keele Concourse. She currently works at, Nigeria’s Information Portal. Follow her on Twitter @MissHalim or visit her online space at

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One thought on “Lexy Mojo-Eyes Addresses 4th Pan African Congress”

  • Hi Lexi,I’m Enzo how are you my friend?

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