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Today, more and more people are awakening to the truth that prayer cannot take the place of action. Faith without corresponding action is truly dead. (James 2:26) So, do we really need to pray? Is prayer overrated? Yes, we absolutely need to pray and no, prayer can never be overrated!‎ That old song is still true today: “Prayer is the key, prayer is the key, prayer is the master key; Jesus started with prayer, and ended with prayer, prayer is the master key!” Have you been struggling with lethargy in prayer? Is your prayer life thriving‎ or do you merely wish it was? Is there fire on your prayer altar, or is it cold and barren? Do you have a prayer altar at all, or are you merely going through the motions of “church”? Take note of these nuggets:
  1. Prayer is your connection to Heaven. It’s as simple and as important as that.
  2. ‎Prayer sharpens your spiritual perception. If you’re not a person of prayer you will struggle to distinguish between the will of God and the devil’s offering.
  3. ‎The practice of prayer births in you hunger for the things of God.
  4. Prayer promotes holiness and helps us stay strong when tempted.‎ The presence of God nurtured by prayer, helps you put sin behind you. Jesus said, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not…”
  5. Prayer helps you discover your calling.
  6. Prayer gives you direction for your assignment and your purpose. It is not enough to know it, you need revelation of your modus operandi, and that comes in the place of prayer.
  7. Prayer shows you things you don’t know. Teachers and counsellors are good, but there are things they don’t know. When you draw near to God in prayer, He will show you these great and mighty things.‎ Jesus is the Extraordinary Strategist, the Wonderful Counsellor.
  8. Prayer helps to enforce the will of God on earth, as it is being done in Heaven at every point in time. This is why Christ asked us to pray each day, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
  9. Prayer produces the power you need for each task. (Acts 4:31‎) In fact, there are some things that will only shift by prayer (Matthew 17:21)
  10. Prayer keeps you strong and refreshes you. This is why Jesus told Simon Peter, “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
  1. Prayer prepares us for these latter days. The end of the world is coming soon, and the Apostle Peter urges us to be earnest and disciplined in our prayers. ~ (1 Peter 4:7‎)
  2. The Master prayed regularly as a matter of habit (Luke 5:16) and told us to do so without giving up (Luke 18:1). When we cultivate the discipline of prayer, we obey and emulate Jesus.
The power of God is in the place of prayer. This is where our fulfillment in life springs from. Be like Jesus: He prayed! God’s Spirit already indwells you. Prime that pump today, and let rivers of living water flow from your belly for real.

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This article was first published on 6th May 2018
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Joy Ehonwa is an editor and a writer who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a proofreading, editing, transcription and ghostwriting service. Email: pinpointcreatives [at]

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