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Many brands are only schooled to deal with dissatisfied clients. Customer Service representatives are taught the ABC of handling or firing bad clients. They are told nothing of what to do with the happy clients. Perhaps because it’s assumed that happy clients are satisfied so they would always stay. Unfortunately, those clients who are ‘good with’ your services are the ones who are most likely to be poached when they experience something ‘better’. Rather than ignore your happy customers, here are ways to make them even happier so that they never leave: Don’t be A Stranger Engage in a much more frequent and relevant dialogue with your customers in order to learn their needs and respond promptly. Create platforms for engagement that can get you feedback and responses whenever needed. Creating an open door policy will enable you understand your client’s complaint and respond to them swiftly and positively. Leave all lines of communication available as your clients can inform you about your strengths and weakness if you have a listening ear. Give Service Souvenirs You don’t have to do this all the time, but frequently enough. Don’t wait till it’s Christmas to give your customers souvenirs. You could do it for no reason at all; this would shock them even more and they would appreciate it even better. Worried about the cost or procurement? Just head over to for mind-blowing, unique and cheap items you could give to your customers. Guess what? even delivers so you won’t have to raise a muscle. Be Personal I know you have a huge customer data but imagine you could personalize that bulk SMS you send out. It would make a huge difference to have each customer knowing the message was meant for them alone. You can take it even further and send out Birthday greetings to your customers with a message personalized for them. Trust me, your customers would declare you a keeper and they would feel guilty every time they want to go elsewhere for the same services you render. Always provide the right information Give your front line people the right and precise information they need to get more out of customer interactions. Your front-line people need information from across functional areas. Take, for instance, a customer is asking about a product or service your organization claims to be offering, yet the front desk officer has no idea of the service mentioned. The customer would feel offended as he believes he has wasted his time and effort. He would assume your staff do not believe in your brand hence the attitude. Worse, this would make a happy customer feel that you really do not care. Put your customers to work for you A lot of customers compare prices of the products or service they need, they do not base their decisions on the price alone. They do, however, want to feel that they are getting value for their money. While it is extremely difficult to match the price with perceived market value, it is important to have your customer’s loyalty. Once your customers trust your brand and the value you offer, they would help market your products without you asking them to do so. Go Digital A lot of organizations would scoff at this as they believe they are already on social media, hence this advice is not for them. It is, however, advisable to not just have a Social Media account where you just put up updates and walk away but to be interactive. Respond to relevant messages, comments and mentions. An online presence would make your customer confident that you can always be reached, and they would trust you better. Give Incentives Sometimes, the best way to keep a customer happy and motivated is usually the simplest ways. Giving incentives such as discounts, challenges, free shipping and doorbusters would help keep your customers happy and satisfied. Got more ideas? Please share with us in the Comments section.

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This article was first published on 29th September 2017


Adepeju Adenuga is a writer (considering where you are reading this, makes perfect sense). She holds a Masters Degree in Literature in English from the University of Lagos.

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One thought on “How To Make Your Happy Client Happier”

  • I am impressed, ayoola will apply this principles

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