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Health Benefits of Eggs

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but does an egg a day keep the doctor away as well? Well, we are about to find that out. The major nutrients contained in eggs are vitamin A, vitamin B2 vitamin B5, folate, vitamin B12, phosphorus and selenium. Eggs are commonly found and purchased everywhere as they are one of the most affordable sources of protein in meals. Eggs can be prepared by a variety of methods, from frying to boiling, poaching, scrambling and all sorts. Eggs are usually eaten to compliment the main dish and serve as a source of protein for the meal.  Some have argued that eating more than one egg in a day is not harmful to the body and can be very beneficial, while others have disagreed based on the amount of cholesterol that is contained in eggs. However, the good news is that the cholesterol contained in eggs is not the bad type that raises the level of cholesterol in the blood, it is actually the good type also known as High-Density Lipoprotein. Here are some other health benefits of eggs that you did not know:

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