Easykobo.com was created to provide investors in Nigeria with a finance website that features independent and accurate information on stock listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Bonds, Exchange Traded Funds, and Real Estate.
In the middle of the financial crisis, Easykobo.com conducted a one year survey that began in April 2011 and ended on April 30, 2012. The purpose of the survey was to find out and record the market sentiment at a time when investors were looking away from the capital market in Nigeria. The survey was designed to figure out which sectors of the Nigerian economy appealed most to investors, as this information would help stockbrokers and financial advisors tailor their investment vehicle products in line with which sector was more viable.
Visitors to Easykobo.com were asked to select an option in answer to the following question:
“Where would you rather invest on the Nigerian Stock Exchange?”
These were the five available options:
- Banks
- Insurance companies
- Oil companies
- Conglomerates
- Others
People who visited Easykobo.com over that period were free to vote on every new visit. Almost 400,000 votes were cast.
At the conclusion of the survey, it was discovered that there was a huge interest in the Nigerian financial sectors’ stocks. Banks led the way with 33.62% of the votes and the Insurance sector received 13.34% . Therefore, the total votes for the financial sector was 46.96%.
Oil companies received 33.45% of votes as the second most picked option behind the banks. Conglomerates received 14.21% of votes. Lastly the category for “Other” Sectors recorded the least amount of votes with 5.37% of total votes cast.
The result of this survey helps investment brokerage houses and financial advisors to understand their target market in a better way. For investors, this survey will help them have an idea of which sectors are likely to be in demand now that the stock market is showing signs of a revival.
We have heard the tales of investors who have lost their livelihoods as a result of buying shares without they or their stock brokers knowing much about the companies. Easykobo.com was created, in Dec 2010, to bring a fresh approach to investing in Nigeria’s capital markets, where accurate and up-to-date information is freely made available to investors so they do not blindly invest in companies and lose their money.
For more information visit Easykobo.com or contact them here.
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