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  Citizenship by investment programme helps you acquire a second passport for you and your loved ones. What Citizenship Programs Do We Offer? Furalle Limited offers to you the Caribbeans Second Citizenship and helps you become a Global Citizen in 4-6 months. A Caribbean passport brings unrivalled freedom of travel to over 160 countries. 5 Caribbean passports provide you visa-free access to the U.K, Schengen countries, Singapore, Russia and China so you no longer have the burden of applying for countless business and leisure travel visas.
  • Family Safety and Stability
  • Citizenship of a stable & neutral country
  • Citizenship & passport obtained in as little as 90 days
  • Access to International Education for children
  • Retiring or permanently residing in a safe country
  • Free Education
Visa-Free Travel
  • Instant visa-free travel
  • Reputable passport
  • Independence
  • Tax planning benefits & privacy
  • Reduce tax burden and regulatory restrictions
  • More privacy in investment and banking
How Does Covid-19 Impact Citizenship? The world is getting smaller with people with certain types of passports. This is due to travel restrictions and travel bans. The need for a backup passport is imminent especially for business people and for families. How Do I Get A Faster Citizenship? A much faster option is offered by Citizenship by Investment Programs. The investment is in the form of a donation to the government or a real estate purchase. This program allows you to become a proud holder of a new passport in 6  months. Now in Response to economic downturns as a result of the global pandemic, the process has been made cheaper and easier for all interested. For additional information on how to apply, please contact us on +2348075004454,

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This article was first published on 21st September 2020

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