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Did You Know? 7 Foods That Can Boost Male Fertility


Once upon a time, men were associated with virility and infertility was considered a feminine affliction. Thus, women were blamed for a couple’s childlessness and were often the ones who went from place to place in search of a solution. Thankfully, the narrative is changing. Education has made people increasingly aware of the fact that both male and female can be infertile. However, sterility, like all clinical conditions, is nothing to be ashamed of and men, in particular, need to understand this. They must be willing to keep their ego aside and seek help, for if the sickness is hidden by the sufferer, its cure will remain a mirage.
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Contrary to popular belief, most cases of male infertility are actually curable. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and consuming balanced, sperm boosting meals can actually work wonders on a man’s reproductive system. Today, we’ll look at some foods that have the potential to increase a man’s virility. Go through this list and find a way to incorporate these foods into your diet. They’ll go a long way in boosting your fertility.


Can A Cup of Water Change a Life? – rusty tugman
Rusty Tugman
This is a priceless gift of nature, a fundamental human need. Leena Arif succinctly captured the true essence of water when she noted that there is a story of life in every drop of water. Water is indeed fertility-boosting food. It can help create healthy seminal fluids. Also, it will help to improve the texture, fluency and consistency of your sperm. So, stay hydrated.

Lean Meat and Poultry

How to Cook Meat, Poultry and Fish | Recipe Corner Protein-rich foods like lean beef and poultry contain coenzyme, Q10; this nutrient acts as an antioxidant and an energy-releasing nutrient. It is thought to stabilize the integrity of the sperm flagella (tail of the sperm). What’s more, a serving of lean meat is an excellent source of zinc, selenium and many B vitamins. These nutrients are all sperm boosters.


The association of this food to fertility reminds me of a Nollywood movie that I once watched. It was titled, Egg of Life. Eggs are a great source of protein and vitamin E both of which help in the motility of sperm. Egg consumption has also been linked to sperm protection from free radicals; this invariably strengthens sperm and doubles its chances of fertilization. Eggs can be enjoyed by vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Oga, need I say more? Go buy some eggs for yourself, inugo?


Unlock Food
Research has shown that daily consumption of almonds and other tree nuts can improve sperm quality. These nuts are packed with nutrients like omega 3 fatty acid, folate, vitamin E, zinc and selenium; these sperm-friendly nutrients assist in hormone regulation which is vital for the development of strong, healthy sperm. They equally protect the sperm from free radical damage. They also help to maintain the structural integrity of the sperm.
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Leafy Vegetables

Morning Crashers
I’m sure that as a child your mum told you a zillion times that vegetables were good for you. Well, that basic truth is constant; it did not change because you’ve attained adulthood. Leafy green vegetables like spinach are rich in folic acid which is good for sperm development. But let me quickly warn that these vegetables should not be overcooked so that they won’t lose their nutrients.

Dark Chocolate

Medical News Today
Here is something delicious for you to either snack or enjoy as dessert. Even as you enjoy this treat, you’ll benefit from its male fertility boosting properties. That’s because dark chocolates contain the amino acid, L-arginine which help in doubling sperm production. Also, the cacao beans which make up the chocolate is full of antioxidants; these help to increase male fertility as well. However, too much sweetness can be bad for your health. Therefore, you must be disciplined in your consumption of chocolates as too much of it can cause weight gain.


Old Farmer’s Almanac
Sometimes, the things that can help our ministry are right under our noses. Fresh tomatoes are almost always present in our kitchen. Let wives encourage their husbands to take full advantage of this vegetable. Tomatoes contain lycopene. This antioxidant improves sperm motility and it also enhances sperm structure and activity. These in turn help to further the process of fertilization to a great extent. In conclusion, you are what you eat. So, eat balanced, sperm boosting food if you want to improve the quality of your sperm. Moreso, fertility drugs will work better if you eat healthily.   References: Healthline Made for Mums First Cry Parenting Progenesis   Featured Image Source: Healthline
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