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By David Stephen. Your business card represents you and your business. So it must be channeled as a good business tool. There are two things that are very important to your business cards, the information you put on it and the design of the card. The information is important but it is also very necessary to catch the potential customer’s attention. Information: The information expected on your card is your business name, the address, your phone number, email and website (if you have). This information can be spread to the two sides of the card, in a good design. Some people prefer to have a list of their products and services on their cards; this is good, depending on how your card gets into hands. The conversation that leads to giving your card should have included your services, so putting your products and services on a card is outdated. Design: This is the first thing about your business card. You should determine what should be on it, with respect to information, space and concision.  It should have very good fonts, colour that matches your brand, spaced, big enough, clear, and with good quality. These features will ensure that you have good rating with people that get them.  They could use it to tell of how much you care about consumers, or how creative you are, or if you a serious business person. Your business card design is very important, especially if you will be recommended and by-your-back conversations analyzing you. The design should be simple, or may be complex but very creative and easily understood.    

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This article was first published on 23rd August 2012 and updated on August 25th, 2012 at 1:27 pm

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