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do it now Accomplish that one task, goal or dream that you’ve been putting off this week. The results will amaze and motivate you to do even more…   maya angelou quote Hard work pays, laziness doesn’t. If you want to see desired change, you have to put in the effort.   plan a If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again… with another plan.   sometimes you win See mistakes and failures as your stepping stones to success.  

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This article was first published on 15th June 2015


Ify Halim is a Writer and media enthusiast based in Lagos. She enjoys writing self-help/inspirational articles with published work in UYD Magazine, Edufrica, Our Stories Inc. and The Keele Concourse. She currently works at, Nigeria’s Information Portal. Follow her on Twitter @MissHalim or visit her online space at

Comments (1)

One thought on “BBM Wisdom: Nothing Will Work Unless You Do”

  • i love this bbm wisdom. please keep it up.

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