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Blackberry Messenger display pictures commonly referred to as DPs can be a source of inspiration and wisdom sometimes. Our DP of the day has a lesson that can not be overlooked. It says: ‘A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.’ Michael Adams_021969   In today’s society, greed and selfishness are common norms. Perpetrators believe that it’s best to hold on to what they have, even if it’s more than enough, so they don’t lose out on anything. Today, the Connect Nigeria team is urging you to be different. We urge you to fight against the norm and light up the darkness that’s in our world. A candle shining alone in a dark room is nothing compared to an entire room filled with hundreds of lit up candles. When you share the little light you have – be it love, joy or wisdom – you don’t lose out. In fact, you are more likely to receive from another, based on the way the universe has been wired. After all, an open hand is always likely to receive more than a clenched fist. Use this message as your display picture and share your light with someone this week!  

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This article was first published on 21st April 2015

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