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It’s a brand new week, Nigeria! You survived the early morning rush, made it safely to the office, and you are possibly getting set for the busy days that lie ahead. Start things right with a healthy dose of Monday Motivation, courtesy of these inspiring quotes:   1. “God can do it just like… That!  Nneka_879672 (1) At this very moment, “it” means different things to different people –  from that deserved promotion, to keys to a dream car or home. As people of faith, let us trust in God’s ability to move mountains on our behalf, and His willingness to do so as well. Remember, He’s the universe’s creator, with all things under His control. What is that one thing you’ve been hoping for? As you start this week, dream big and stay hopeful, knowing He’s in your corner.   2. “Your best teacher is your last mistake” learn from mistakes We naturally hate making mistakes, but life teaches us that they’re the best tools for learning. Being schooled practically has its benefits, and through mistakes, we learn how best not to do something. We are also able to teach others, sparing them from wasted time and energy. You’re bound to make at least one mistake this week, and when you do, don’t forget to embrace it as a lesson for the future.   3. “Just Keep Smiling!” keep smiling Life throws challenges every once in a while, but you have the power to choose how to react. Are you going to allow these obstacles put you down, or are you going to keep moving forward with a smile on your face? Stay positive, keep your chin up and “this too shall pass” before you know it. Sadness will only weigh you down and drain the energy needed to get you through tough times.   4. “A winner is a dreamer who…” A Winner Is A Dreamer Here’s a hard fact to swallow from this quote – not all dreamers come out on top. What makes a dreamer victorious is his ability to persevere till he reaches his goal, staying determined despite the obstacles he faces. Don’t give up! You’ve come too far to back off now and your lucky break’s just around the corner.   Were you inspired? If yes, please share these thoughts with someone today.  

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This article was first published on 18th May 2015


Ify Halim is a Writer and media enthusiast based in Lagos. She enjoys writing self-help/inspirational articles with published work in UYD Magazine, Edufrica, Our Stories Inc. and The Keele Concourse. She currently works at, Nigeria’s Information Portal. Follow her on Twitter @MissHalim or visit her online space at

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