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  In a bid to provide a gender-responsive and cutting-edge curriculum that is capable of enhancing the skills and capacity of Africans in the entrepreneurship, digital literacy, financial literacy, and STEAM sectors, the African Union CIEFFA and ImpactHER initiative has announced the 2024 edition of its Online Capacity Building Training.
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Titled “#AfricaEducatesHer—Digital Skills for All: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEAM, Financial Literacy, and Entrepreneurship,” the Online Capacity Building Training program is open to Africans willing to improve their skills. The first public phase of the Online Capacity Building Training Program (OYCBT) rounded up in December 2023 with certificates presented to over 3,500 trainees.
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To be eligible for the program

  • The applicant must be a young African woman or man.
  • The applicant must demonstrate the willingness and ability to learn entrepreneurial, digital, and financial literacy skills.
  • The applicant must be able to prove leadership abilities, aspirations, and a strong commitment towards the promotion of girls’ and women’s education.
  • The applicant must have a working digital device (laptop, computer, smartphone, or tablet) sound internet connectivity, a subscription, and seamless participation.
  • You must be willing to commit to one-month-complete training.
  • You must understand one of the languages of training (English, French, or Portuguese).
  • The applicant must be an African citizen based in the continent or any part of the world.

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Some of the benefits of the program include

  • Participants will gain knowledge of gender equality in education, entrepreneurship, digital, and financial literacy.
  • Certification for participants.
  • The applicant must be following the social media pages of African Union CIEFFA and ImpactHer (Instagram, Facebook, X and LinkedIn).
  • Participants have the opportunity of getting invited for a fully funded in-person activity by the African Union CIEFFA.
  • Participants will also gain access to other online, fully funded training programs sponsored by the ImpactHER initiative.
The deadline for applications is August 16, 2024. Click HERE to apply.
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This article was first published on 13th August 2024


I am a Lion, I love to hit heights that seem impossible so I can motivate others and prove doubters wrong. For me, impossible is nothing. I'm open to learning and I love to read, travel and meet new faces.

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