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 PriceCheck is Nigeria’s leading price comparison service. In partnership with Africa’s largest mobile network, MTN, Price Check lets you compare the prices of different products, across various stores and in various categories.  The categories of products include mobile phones, tablets, electronics, fashion, flight bookings and much more.

The app has been downloaded over 10,000 times on Google Play store and has a good number of solid reviews.

Meet The App

The Price Check app is available on Google Play store and requires no registration prior to using it. Once you open the app, you can clearly see product categories displayed on its homepage.  The app has a simple interface and well-structured layout, with its homepage and background designed with the MTN colours and logo. Clicking on any category on the homepage will lead you to the different products available under that category. You can then click on any of the products that interest you and compare its prices across the different stores it is sold at. Price Check also ensures you have access to the best price for each product by displaying it by the product before you even have to click on it to compare anything.

In cases where you cannot find your product of interest on the homepage, you can always search for it on the search bar or click on the “browse” icon at the top of the homepage, to carry out an extensive search. Price Check also gives you the option of adding any product of your choice to a favourite list.

In summary, Price Check can be quite helpful when you want to compare the price of a product at different Nigeria stores.

Getting The App

The app is available on Google Play at a downloadable size of 6MB. It is also available on the App Store for iOs users. Click any of the links below to get it:


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This article was first published on 6th July 2019
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My name is Samuel Okoruwa. I am an ardent researcher, reading is life and writing is fun.

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