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After all the fuss that has been made about setting goals, and SMART goals for that matter, you’ve finally started setting goals and yet, you don’t have the results you expected.

The thing about goal setting is, it’s not just enough to “start doing it” because you’ve heard you should or because you’ve seen it work for people. There are certain things that can sabotage your goal setting, and here are some of them:

1. Your value system and your goals are not aligned.

You can’t make progress in two directions. Your value system ideally should be built on the goals you have set for your life, and those goals are meant to power your guiding principles in turn.

2. You make decisions without considering your goals.

The range of endeavours you engage in should be defined by your goals. You cannot afford to say yes or no based on whether things feel good or bad. Instead, you decide based on how they fit in with your goals and ultimately your life’s vision.

3. There is no big picture.

Either that or you cannot see it clearly, so you often find that your goals lack momentum. Your goals should be fulfilling a vision; that’s the fuel goals need.

4. You have unhelpful companions on your journey.

Not everybody is valuable to you on this journey to success, and it’s okay to separate yourself from people who aren’t going your way. Again, your clearly set goals should help you decide who to take along with you.

5. You’re trying to do it all alone.

Successful people are not afraid or ashamed to ask for help with achieving their goals. You need people. If you don’t have a mentor, get one. Don’t underestimate the importance of getting counsel from people who have reached where you’re trying to go. Mentors help you avoid pitfalls, hone your strategy, and achieve your goals.

6. You don’t review your goals.

Goals are not set in stone. Nothing stops you from going back to review and tweak them, especially if you don’t seem to be able to achieve them. Perhaps they are too big and need to be split into smaller goals? Perhaps they are simply not feasible given where you are now? Or maybe you need certain resources to achieve them that you currently don’t have? Reviewing helps you save time and energy, and avoid discouragement.

7. You have no milestones.

You should have milestones in place to let you know how close you are to where you are going, and let you know when you’re finally there. Otherwise, you may get discouraged and feel like your goal setting isn’t working.


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This article was first published on 15th May 2017 and updated on May 23rd, 2017 at 12:04 pm


Joy Ehonwa is an editor and a writer who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a proofreading, editing, transcription and ghostwriting service. Email: pinpointcreatives [at]

Comments (1)

One thought on “7 Reasons Your Goal Setting Isn’t Fruitful”

  • thanks for this timely write up. I like the goals are not set on stone and can be reviewed part

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