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  taxi   Growing a taxi business has its share of challenges just like growing any other business, but in it is the potential for success just as any other business when the key elements that will ensure success are observed. How do you make your taxi business a success story? We have 5 ideas. 1. Make your customers’ experience unique: The main purpose of running a taxi company is to move passengers from one place to another but it won’t grow if you focus on your target alone. Let each customer that your company moves from one place to another have an experience they will never forget. Don’t open the windows and leave your passengers at the mercy of strange odours. Offer them refreshing cold bottled water or have a bowl of sweets close at hand. They will come calling next time with friends and family. 2. Word of mouth: This is one of the oldest and the best ways taxi companies can market their business. When customers have been treated well, they can become loyal marketers who will recommend your taxi service to their family, friends and coworkers. Another way to boost this is to write a thank you note to loyal customers who refer people to you. You can also implement a reward system where you seasonally give gifts such as gift certificates for future rides, fun prizes and other useful items. 3. Get customer feedback: Allow customers who feel they have been treated poorly express their anger. It is advisable that taxi companies spend at least a day addressing customer’s complaints and get to know their thoughts and feelings about your taxi company. If there has been any dispute or negative feedback, address them. Getting customers’ feedback is important because through it, you will learn so much about your company and the different areas you can still improve on. Additionally, customers will appreciate that their views and thoughts are taken seriously. 4. Business cards: This is the easiest and the cheapest way to market your taxi company. Place your flyers and business cards in populated areas. This means placing them in areas where you know people might need to call for a taxi such as supermarkets, shopping malls, bars/restaurants, hotels and the airport. You can also hand out your business cards to each customer after you drop them at their destination. With your business card, they can easily reach you if they need you to pick them up again. 5. Online advertising: The online community has become a phenomenon some do not understand but it is the reality that has engulfed society. Taxi companies should therefore take advantage of websites where potential customers can call your company for a ride. For example, Connect Nigeria is Nigeria’s number 1 online search portal which lists businesses and companies. Putting your information on a platform such as this would make it easier for customers when they go looking to get a cab. Make sure your company is listed on the website to make it easy for potential customers to find you and call your company for a ride.

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This article was first published on 29th June 2014

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One thought on “5 Ways You Can Grow Your Taxi Company’s Network”

  • PB

    Thoughtful; what about an online cab business like @ that basically does auto dispatch also manuel dispatch.

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