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  Although people patronise businesses that offer quality products, they also appreciate businesses that know a thing or two about great customer service. The quality of your customer service determines how well your business turns out in the long run. Good customer service means delighted customers who will always want to patronise you and tell their friends about your products.
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Here are 5 effective ways to deliver quality customer service:

Know Your Product

Customer service depends on how well you know your product. This means comprehensive knowledge of your product, ranging from features to use cases and maintenance practices. You want your customers to feel they’re getting their money’s worth for every purchase made. Try to learn as much as you can about your product so you can always come to the rescue of your customers when they need support such as product recommendations, and repairs.

Be Quick To Respond

When customers make queries about your product or service, they ask in the hopes of getting solutions to their issues as soon as possible. Responding fast to customers shows that you value that time and can always be relied on. Responses should always be timely especially for issues that do not take time to solve. However, customers also know that more complex issues require more time to solve. They care more about the time it takes you to respond to them than how long it takes you to solve their problems. Always respond to your customers in time, but don’t be in a hurry to get rid of them when helping them.
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Welcome Feedback

Being open to customer feedback involves listening in real-time as well as identifying their pain points and providing them with solutions. Be ready to listen to your customers anytime they speak to you. Don’t make the mistake of assuming you know what they’re going to say before you listen to them. When you listen attentively to them, you make them feel heard and you find it easy to identify their problems and solve them.

Go The Extra Mile

Whenever you find the opportunity to do something “extra” for your customers, grab it. This will not only delight them but will ensure that they stay loyal and spread the word about your business.

See The Bigger Picture

Always see the bigger picture when dealing with customers. By making your customers happy and satisfied, you mobilise loyal advocates for your business who will do the marketing For you through word of mouth. Let this be the core of all your customer service efforts. Featured Image Source: Pass Now Now
Got a suggestion? Contact us: editor at connectnigeria dot com

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This article was first published on 13th November 2020


My name is Samuel Okoruwa. I am an ardent researcher, reading is life and writing is fun.

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