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The 2018 Nigeria Track and Field Championships came to a startling stop on Sunday morning as athletes took to the tracks to protest against the conduct of Sunday Adeleye, their representative on the board of the Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN).


The athletes expressed their dissatisfaction at the governing and representative skills of a man they elected into office sorely to put their interests forth to the Athletic Federation of Nigeria. However, since his appointment into office in 2017, the athletes allege that the former Police Sergeant has lost sight of his duty to his people. According to the athletes, it became very clear that Adeleye was not paying as much attention to them and their needs following his appointment by the federation’s president, Ibrahim Gusau, as the technical director of the AFN which has led to a clash of interests. Rather than use his new position to help those that gave him his career boost, Adeleye has been reported to have used his position to intimidate and threaten athletes. The athletes, having had enough, decided that it was time to protest and to stand up for their rights. The Track and Field Championships is meant to serve as a trial run for athletes who will represent Nigeria at the Asaba 2018 African Championships scheduled for next month in Asaba Delta state. Athletes who carried placards demanding the removal of Adeleye vowed not to compete on the scheduled final day [Monday] of the competition until their demands are met.   We hope that the AFN will look into the reason for the athletes’ grievance and do their best to diffuse the situation. Nigerian athletes are some of the best the world over and deserve to be celebrated.

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This article was first published on 9th July 2018


Achem Samuel is a writer and a musician, he is passionate about God and also an ardent fan of tech, sports and music.

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