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The countdown continues as Connect Nigeria’s 2nd annual e-Business Fair approaches. The fair holds on February 21st, 2015 with the theme ‘e -Business and the Growth of Your Enterprise’. We are anticipating over 3,000 people this year as well as representatives from leading enterprises and organisations across Nigeria to be in attendance on that day. Leading up to the event, there will be giveaways such as free USBs and recharge cards, ongoing Tweet Chats with partners and sponsors of the event such as Union Bank and Supermart, and enlightening information being shared to help you in your respective businesses. Make sure you follow us on  Twitter and Facebook to stand a chance of winning one of our giveaways and also to interact with sponsors and learn pertinent, valuable information. Are you looking for potential business partners and a place to meet entrepreneurs? Do you need inspiration for a business idea that will get you another stream of income? Then you can register for the Connect Nigeria e-Business Fair HERE!

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This article was first published on 11th February 2015

Comments (3)

3 thoughts on “10 Days Until Connect Nigeria Holds Africa’s Biggest SME Event!”

  • what a great meeting

  • Waoooo cant wait for the day to come cos i had a good experience and fun attending the 1st edition.

  • Lovely idea n program in view. Looking forward to the event.

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