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Udo Okonjo is a woman with whom real estate enthusiasts, and women in business, are well acquainted.

One of Nigeria’s finest entrepreneurs, Udo Okonjo is the CEO of Fine & Country West Africa, an award-winning real estate firm. She’s also one of the most prominent and passionate speakers at WIMBIZ conferences. The story of how she started her real estate career with no capital has inspired and educated many an audience.

She is also the Chief Igniter of the business leadership and personal development brand, the Ignite Series, as well as the founder of i-WOW.

Here are 10 reasons why she is the successful businessperson that she is.

1. She knows that success is a matter of principles; it is not a magic wand. “As long as you are applying the right principles whether it is in business or your personal life, then you ought to switch into a ‘SUCCESS IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME’ mode, because truly, the results are only a matter of time.”

2. She understands that handling too many different projects at a time slows you down, and that’s bad for business success. “When you divide your effort among too many opportunities, you build weak assets. Weak assets don’t build wealth. Weak assets pay your bills for the month but leave you with nothing to build with. Weak assets do not generate speed. You need speed to ignite wealth.”

When you divide your effort among too many opportunities, you build weak assets.

3. She has experienced the life-changing power of books. “More than 10 years ago, I was broke, struggling as a regular professional, and by grace laid my hands on some books, one of which changed the cause of my life. After reading it, I made the equivalent of $100,000/₦15m in one transaction, just by following that idea (concept) in the book.”

4. She knows that it’s okay to separate yourself from negative energy. “If you will go far and make an impact in your generation, if you will effectively lead your team and grow your business to extraordinary levels, then you must be prepared to guard your heart JEALOUSLY and be prepared to even cut off anyone that will affect your heart negatively.”

5. She knows that successful business people persevere, and keep their eyes on the prize. “Business comes with its fair share of challenges, aches and pains, and it truly isn’t for the fainthearted, but the ignited tycoon keeps on moving irrespective of challenges. You must motivate yourself and constantly fan the flame by keeping the picture of the finished work in mind.”

6. She eschews mediocrity. “The future belongs to the competent, the excellent, the confident; those who stand out from the crowd of mediocre majority!”

7. She understands that changing your life requires changing your thoughts. “Without the renewal of the mind – a change in the stinking thinking that got us into our mediocre existence – we build on a faulty foundation, sea sand that will see our efforts crumble like a pack of cards. Without the transformation of the mind, there is no foundation for lasting success!”

Spread your wings, learn how to fly.

8. She knows that failure is a widely misunderstood friend. “What did you fail at today? If you did not fail at anything, perhaps you are not learning or trying new things. Building a phenomenal life requires you to push out of your comfort zone and learn new things. Spread your wings, learn how to fly.”

9. She believes in lifelong learning. “The level of freedom you encounter is as good as the information and knowledge you have access to or that you dig out. What specific knowledge do you need this month to take you from run of the mill to stratospheric?”

10. She understands that faith in God and strong work ethic are not mutually exclusive. “Increase comes from God, but we must actually sow by working and applying the knowledge gleaned along our way in life.”

Certainly, lessons to take to heart, don’t you think? Which ones stood out most for you? Do leave a comment.


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This article was first published on 2nd November 2016


Joy Ehonwa is an editor and a writer who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a proofreading, editing, transcription and ghostwriting service. Email: pinpointcreatives [at]

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