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Why You Should Be Good At Small Talk

Making small talk can be a total waste of valuable time for some. Although it has been proven that most times, the valuable relationships we need to cultivate happen when we give room to this seemingly wearisome necessity called ‘small talk’, I find it quite bothersome. And while some people might think that people like me who find it difficult to make small talk find it difficult because we are selfish and not interested in anyone but ourselves, that is not always the case. I think making small talk is difficult for people who keep to themselves. Sometimes, they might even feel that by making small talk with another person, they are wasting their precious time.

 The fact though is, being human is about cultivating relationships with other humans; that is the norm. One good reason is that you need to work with others. One of the most effective ways of doing this is using the gift of conversation. Here are some reasons why making small talk is essential:

About the author: Mary Odunuga is a writer/reporter for Connect Nigeria and for other prominent lifestyle blog sites.

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