Archives Tag: overcoming shyness

Personal Development

7 Tips For Overcoming Shyness

April 19, 2022

  Being shy can be very uncomfortable for the one who is and the people around him/her. Being shy can be very limiting, especially when it’s your personality type. It can hold you back from achieving so much when you’re in a social setting where socialisation is a prerequisite for survival. Read more about Personal … Continue reading 7 Tips For Overcoming Shyness

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LIFESTYLE Uncategorized

Why You Should Be Good At Small Talk

April 19, 2022

Making small talk can be a total waste of valuable time for some. Although it has been proven that most times, the valuable relationships we need to cultivate happen when we give room to this seemingly wearisome necessity called ‘small talk’, I find it quite bothersome. And while some people might think that people like me … Continue reading Why You Should Be Good At Small Talk

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