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Wondering which handles to follow on Twitter this weekend? When it comes to publishing your first book, there’s a lot you need to know, and it can all be overwhelming sometimes. Following these editors and interacting with them will certainly help you with clues on what steps to take to get your book ready for publishing.   1. @UcheAnne Bio: Writer and editor | wannabe explorer Tweets We Love:
  • This book that was such an ugly baby is now something I’m proud of. Editors are the unseen hand.
  • NoViolet won the Etisalat book prize. Whoop whoop!!!!!!!
  • What did editors ever do for us? | Gillian Philip … via @Gillian Philip
  • ‘Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference.’
  • Congrats to Jenny Makumbi on winning the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Great news to wake up to.
  2. @AdebolaRayo Bio: Writer, Editor, Lawyer, Painter (of my nails) || I post art news, reviews etc on  (@artyliving) Tweets We Love:
  • This is the part where I talk about being proud to be @Basseyworld’s editor, and also go cry in my coffee about being a lazy ass writer.
  • I really love editing short stories. >>>>>> novels.
  • There will be errors (grammatical and factual), plot holes, etc. in your work. Every writer needs an editor.
  • No matter how great you think your work is, you still need a good editor.
  • Nothing gives me joy like whipping people’s manuscripts into shape. I think developmental editing is what I love most about being an editor.
  3. @JoyEhonwa Bio: Principal Editor, Pinpoint Creatives. Proofreading ~ Editing ~ Ghostwriting ~ Perfect pages guaranteed! Tweets We Love:
  • If she played with her braids at dinner, and then brushes her weave before breakfast, your copy-editor should catch that. #YouNeedAnEditor
  • If your work requires a lot of writing, get a good editor. Typos and misspellings take the shine off your work. #YouNeedAnEditor
  • My goal as an editor is not to give you my voice; it’s to make YOUR voice as beautiful as it can be. #YouNeedAnEditor
  • Have you been dreaming of writing a nonfiction book? I’m the editor you need. Let’s create a world-changing book together. #YouNeedAnEditor
  • What makes me a special editor is not my A1 in English, my eagle eye, or even my Linguistics degree…it’s my soul. I care. #YouNeedAnEditor
  4. @serenademe Mother. Book Lover. Closet Writer. Editor. CEO @Parresiabooks. Tweets We Love:
  • The strength of a story lies not in its popularity but in the ability of the reader to remember the story from the moment it was read.
  • Do we then become blinded to the merits or demerits of a book, when we read based on the authorship not penmanship?
  • I truly love editing manuscripts. Its even better when its a really good story. #bliss
  • Good morning, when a manuscript draws you back again and again and keeps you thinking, then it has the potential to be a bestseller. . .
  • So I just finished reading a manuscript in the record time of less than 24 hours. Thought running through, absolutely brilliant.
  5. @TimenduCA Bio: Writer. Editor. Photographer. Daughter of God. Wife of The One. Mother of The Goo and Baby Z. Loves chocolate, tea and books. Tweets We Love:
  • So back from a client’s office (my first! Yay!). Will be editing her non fiction book due for a November release. Super excited!
  • Nice line – “We are two old people about to be ambushed by death.”
  • Reading Michelle Obama’s biography by Liza Mundy
  • I had been worried about what I was wearing but now I’m here I see…we book nerds all dress alike.
  • Pls google Jovita Madojemu and order her book – A Touch of Grey from your preferred online book store. Pls RT.
  6. @SeunWrites Bio: Writer | Publisher | Man City co-owner | Dorcas’ Husband | Fimidara’s Dad Tweets We Love:
  • I’m editing this novel manuscript and it almost feels like eating very delicious food. No wonder I’ve still not had breakfast.
  • I think it is totally unprofessional for an editor to lay public claim to any writer’s work.
  • Being an editor is even a privilege, not an opportunity to use people’s work as claim to fame.
  • Some authors be like, “I just completed my manuscript last night, can you finish editing it tomorrow?” Na so.
  • When you hear that I’m an editor, you should respect me, olo’un! It’s not moin-moin.
Hahaha! “Who to Follow on Twitter: Nigerian Book Publishers” is up next Friday. Don’t miss it!…Need it? Search it, Find it!  

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This article was first published on 2nd October 2015


Joy Ehonwa is an editor and a writer who is passionate about relationships and personal development. She runs Pinpoint Creatives, a proofreading, editing, transcription and ghostwriting service. Email: pinpointcreatives [at]

Comments (3)

3 thoughts on “Who to Follow on Twitter: Nigerian Book Editors”

  • Oh, super. Lol. Great to share identical thoughts with like minds.
    PS: One tweeter* did a little punctuation blooper. I no mention name o.

  • Hahahahaha I saw it, Renette! I had to resist the urge to correct it, it wouldn’t have been proper.

  • Just followed all the handles…now it’s time to pick one of these bunch to work with me on my autobiography.

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