Archives Tag: World Cancer Day


Today Is World Cancer Day

April 19, 2022

Statistics show that cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, this is evident in the World Health Organization’s data which shows that an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018 were caused by cancer. About 1 in 6 deaths globally are caused by cancer with approximately 70% of deaths from cancer occurring in low … Continue reading Today Is World Cancer Day

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World Cancer Day 2017: Facts about Cancer

April 19, 2022

Today, the world turns its sights to the painful scourge that is cancer. Now, more than ever, cancer proves to be a challenge to the collective resolve of mankind to overcome non-communicable diseases, as it has become more widespread. It is no longer just a concern for the developed world; the so-called poorer nations have … Continue reading World Cancer Day 2017: Facts about Cancer

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Events Health

World Cancer Day: Foods That Help in Cancer Prevention

April 19, 2022

Cancer is one of the most pervasive diseases taking lives globally. Today is World Cancer Day so here are some quick tips on cancer prevention. According to the following foods guard against cancer;   Oral Cancer: A diet rich in green and yellow vegetables and proper oral hygiene has been shown to offer protection against oral cancer. … Continue reading World Cancer Day: Foods That Help in Cancer Prevention

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