Archives Tag: Transferable Skills


How to Ace an Interview Even with Minimal Knowledge of the Role

April 19, 2022

  Going into a job interview can be nerve-wracking, especially when you have little knowledge about the role you’re interviewing for. Maybe it’s a new field, the job description wasn’t clear, or you were recommended for a role you hadn’t considered before. Whatever the reason, walking into an interview without full confidence in your knowledge … Continue reading How to Ace an Interview Even with Minimal Knowledge of the Role

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Bridging the Skills Gap: Developing Transferable Skills

April 19, 2022

Picture this. You get onto a bus and see a gentleman selling health supplements. In an effort to sell his wares, he sparks the interest of his target market by sounding knowledgeable and intelligent about the constituents of his products. His witty and humorous communication style engages the audience and by the time he mentions … Continue reading Bridging the Skills Gap: Developing Transferable Skills

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