Archives Tag: Staying fit

Travel Wellness

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

April 19, 2022

  Let’s be real—travelling can sometimes throw your routine completely out of whack. You’re exploring new places, indulging in delicious (and often unhealthy) local foods, and the idea of hitting the gym or even thinking about staying healthy might be the last thing on your mind. But guess what? Staying healthy while travelling isn’t as … Continue reading How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

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The Power of Micro-Workouts: Staying Fit with Just 10 Minutes a Day

April 19, 2022

  We’ve all been there. You start the day with good intentions to hit the gym or squeeze in a workout, but life gets in the way. Before you know it, the day is over, and you’ve done zero exercise. It happens to the best of us! But what if I told you that staying … Continue reading The Power of Micro-Workouts: Staying Fit with Just 10 Minutes a Day

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How to Detox after Christmas

April 19, 2022

After binge eating the whole season, the next question would be how do I get back in shape for the new year? You’ll definitely need a sugar detox after eating all that cake .. hehe. The first thing you want to focus on during this time (detox period) is to keep your body well fed … Continue reading How to Detox after Christmas

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8 Ways to Avoid Fitness Frustration

April 19, 2022

When it comes to staying fit, everyone has those days when they get frustrated and feel like giving up. How do you handle these negative emotions towards your fitness goals? Do you allow them win or you strive to overcome them? We all have different fitness goals and it’s easy to get frustrated along the way. Here … Continue reading 8 Ways to Avoid Fitness Frustration

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