Archives Tag: signs of depression


Perfectly Hidden Depression: Signs and Solutions

April 19, 2022

  Appearances often take precedence, so, it’s not uncommon for individuals to conceal their internal struggles, even from those closest to them. One such hidden battle is Perfectly Hidden Depression (PHD). Perfectly Hidden Depression refers to the appearance of having it all together on the surface but silently struggling with emotional distress and inner turmoil. … Continue reading Perfectly Hidden Depression: Signs and Solutions

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How To Deal With A Partner Struggling With Chronic Depression

April 19, 2022

Chronic depression is a mental illness that is still highly misunderstood by many. It could range from situational depression to more severe forms, but whatever the case may be, depression often takes a toll on its sufferers and those that care about them. When it comes to a relationship, depression can be quite a sensitive … Continue reading How To Deal With A Partner Struggling With Chronic Depression

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Signs of Depression You Didn’t Know About

April 19, 2022

Every two in ten persons may have a case of depression, and in most cases, one of the two, is not aware that he/she is depressed. Depression doesn’t affect the blood, or the skin, or show any physical sign, so there is no depression test one can administer to know if a person is depressed. … Continue reading Signs of Depression You Didn’t Know About

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