Archives Tag: Scienc&Technology

Reviews TECH Telecommunication

Pre-Order the New Innjoo Max 2 and Innjoo Max 2 Plus

April 19, 2022

It has been a long grueling wait filled with rumours and speculations, but the Innjoo Max 2 and Innjoo Max 2 Plus are finally here. Although both phones are only available for pre-order presently, customers nationwide are already heaving sighs of relief that at least there is now some light at the end of the … Continue reading Pre-Order the New Innjoo Max 2 and Innjoo Max 2 Plus

By ejura

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Health LIFESTYLE Science & Technology Uncategorized

Latest Update On Ebola

April 19, 2022

The coast is clear in Nigeria for now. Apparently the battle to contain the Ebola Virus Disease is now mainly in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Recently, a doctor died from Ebola, making him the 5th local doctor to die of the virus in Sierra Leone. In the United States, nurse Nina Pham, who was diagnosed … Continue reading Latest Update On Ebola

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