Archives Tag: Saving


Six Tips for Raising Financially Intelligent Children

April 19, 2022

Here are some proven steps to raising children who will grow up to become financially responsible adults: 1. Be the example they need to learn from: It’s not enough to give your children lessons in keeping naira notes in a box or wallet, or entering items into the credit and debit sides of a financial … Continue reading Six Tips for Raising Financially Intelligent Children

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Let Thrift Be Your Ruling Habit

April 19, 2022

By Elbert Hubbard THRIFT IS A HABIT. A habit is a thing you do unconsciously or automatically, without thought. We are ruled by our habits. When habits are young they are like lion-cubs, soft, fluffy, funny, frolicsome little animals. They grow day by day. Eventually they rule you. Choose this day the habit you would … Continue reading Let Thrift Be Your Ruling Habit

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Fashion iConnect

The Shopping Formula

April 19, 2022

I have always bought all the wrong accessories and unflattering clothes on a whim. As a result, I never achieved the looks I was going for and I was stuck with a wardrobe full of fashion pieces that don’t fit together or with any look.Β  This drove me into a research about how not to waste my money on the wrong items and to get my desired look. I discovered these simple guidelines I call the Shopping Formula!

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