Archives Tag: Rape cases in Nigeria


A Lawyer’s Perspective: 50 Answered Questions on Rape Pt. 3

April 19, 2022

Can a man be a victim of rape in Nigeria? Can a woman be accused of manslaughter for killing her rapist in the act? Can a woman be charged for raping another woman? All these questions and more are answered in today’s segment of A Lawyer’s Perspective: 50 Answered Questions on Rape  In case you missed it: … Continue reading A Lawyer’s Perspective: 50 Answered Questions on Rape Pt. 3

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A Crisis We Must Solve Immediately

April 19, 2022

If the records are correct, then I think we are in very big trouble. In the space of one month we have witnessed over 25 cases of rape, incest and sodomy. The case of the pastor who raped a girl who was just discharged from the hospital got me thinking about the cost of shame that … Continue reading A Crisis We Must Solve Immediately

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