Archives Tag: Organization


Dr Aliyu Ilias, Other Experts Launch CEM Bundle 1.0

April 19, 2022

Over the years customer experience management service has become a secret to profit-making in businesses as well as a tool for business sustainability. However, following several complaints by consumers and further research through mystery shopping of organisations/companies and providers of goods and services, customer experience management experts, conveyed by Dr Aliyu Ilias, came together to … Continue reading Dr Aliyu Ilias, Other Experts Launch CEM Bundle 1.0

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12 Rules of Engagement in the Work Place

April 19, 2022

All organisations have politics and they all have invisible borders and boundaries. If you want to see where the lines are drawn, pull out the organisational chart (if your organisation has one). Each department and division has a purpose, objectives and standards of performance. Across the lines of an organisation it’s possible and common for … Continue reading 12 Rules of Engagement in the Work Place

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5 Efficiency Tips for Working Mothers

April 19, 2022

Work-life balance may remain elusive, and even being a stay-at-home-mum is a full time job, but you can still stay on top of your game with these 5 tips from wives and mums around the country. 1. Plan ahead: Sit down on Sunday night and visualize everything you need to get done for the week; … Continue reading 5 Efficiency Tips for Working Mothers

By jehonwa

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