Archives Tag: .ng domain registration


A Great Opportunity To Get Your Business Online Using A .ng Domain

April 19, 2022

  Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) is the Registry for the .ng country code Top Level Domain (.ng ccTLD) and maintains the database of names registered under the .ng extension. .ng is Nigeria’s identity on the Internet, which is globally recognized and accepted. Like our currency, the Naira, it is unique to Nigeria and can provide extensive … Continue reading A Great Opportunity To Get Your Business Online Using A .ng Domain

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GigaLayer Launches International Payment Feature

April 19, 2022

GigaLayer is a domain registration and web hosting company in Nigeria and has been doing pretty well in the space. To top other players like WhoGoHost, BlueHost, and Web4Africa commonly used in Nigeria, Gigalayer has unveiled a feature that puts it ahead in the game. With the advent of the .ng domain, there has been … Continue reading GigaLayer Launches International Payment Feature

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