Archives Tag: Kidney


Did You Know? 7 Kidney Friendly Meals

April 19, 2022

The human body can be compared to a car. If you take good care of it, it will serve you well. If you neglect it, it’ll park up when you least expect it to. I know that despite the harsh economic situation in Nigeria, most of us want to live long. We also know that … Continue reading Did You Know? 7 Kidney Friendly Meals

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What to Know About the Kidney

April 19, 2022

How much of the kidneys do we know? Every second Thursday in March is set apart worldwide to create awareness about the importance of kidneys and how to take care of them. Here are quick facts under the categories of function, health and care you should know about these bean-shaped super organs. What do the … Continue reading What to Know About the Kidney

By ogo-eze

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How to Keep Your Kidneys Safe

April 19, 2022

The kidneys are very essential organs in the human anatomy. They are a pair organs located in the back of the abdomen. Each kidney measures about 4 or 5 inches long and they are bean shaped. In order to keep your kidneys functioning properly always, you have to consciously do the following things below recommended by professional medical practitioners. … Continue reading How to Keep Your Kidneys Safe

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